> muh... must update this world... (scratches head) what to put here?
> hmmm, no idea... oh, wait! yeah, link! :
> http://www.youtube.com/user/LaviStrikesBack
> welcome! this is meh world, no randomness will go uncommented, and no stones
> will be left unthrown... *starts up laptop* nowww....., WHERES THAT
> PUDDING????? *chokes iggy for eating up pudding* hmmm, sorry 'bout that, got
> carried away. well, lets get started :

> Hi. My name's Lavi, or at least that's what everyone's been calling me. To
> tell you the truth, I think I've even forgotten my real name, got lost in a
> backup disk somewhere, but that's going off topic. I mostly waste away my
> time in front of my computer watching anime music videos (AMV) of Final
> Fantasy and D.Gray Man, and have even considered making one myself, but I've
> failed catastrophically, the result a combination of Sony Vegas-ing and
> low-ass RAM (256MB). So, from now on, I don't ever wanna hear the word AMV.
> EVER-AGAIN-!-!-!
> Then I surf the net to find DGM wallies, and stumbles onto this site,
> TheOtaku.com, and user 'crimsonresolution' that somehow has another account
> in Youtube. I got hooked to it, but because of its former
> free-download-wallies-for-all approach, I haven't bother registering. Until
> early 2009. Starting that time, the site adopts a members-only approach
> (after noticing the large influx of guest users, I think) that half-forced me
> to register (well, crimsonresolution isn't in Youtube all the time, so i went
> to investigate). And the rest is history...

> in my world there's no rule, except one VERY important guideline :
> DON'T EVER F**KING TOUCH THE GUAVA!!! (picture shown below) :

> P/S : Anyone in my immediate area code in Malaysia (81900), please private
> message me if you are going to UiTM Dungun. Anyone is welcomed.....


post 42 - I'm too damn lazy......

Dang it, I forgot to continue the fanfic again, and if its according to my working pattern, if it's not being continued for 3 days straight, it'll have too low a chance to ever be completed. Guess it'll be an overnighter again, when i haven't slept for 2 days already...

So, no chat for 2mr, I guess? lol, its my only source of idea for the fanfic. Its randomness is perfect for picking up stray ideas shards flying out of its mayhem.

Imma out nao, bye! *le POOFS* *poofs back*

Oh, one more thing. I'll post chee's late bday wallie gift 2mr too. N then i'll kill myself for punishment.... *picks up gun n le POOFS out*

post 17 - an brain meltdown of haruhi-c proportions......

Meh.... me ish having an anime bout again today, as a direct result of non-sleepiness plus excessive amount of moldy cheese *hears ami's crossing off lavi's name*. DON'T TOUCH TEH LIST, AMI!!! *back-smackeh ami*. Ehemm, *acts like nothing happened* anyway, i've been surfing teh net up, n suddenly it hits me that i stil don't know the full 'Hare Hare Yukai' dance. I've seen parts of it in some vids, but neva seen it up full. I searched it in u-tube, n it come out A LOT. Well, one wrong click turns into another, n then finally i got this (a haruhi game existed? wtf...) :

down link :

clicketh linky 1--> download link 1
clicketh linky 2--> download link 2

n, uhhh... this? (haruhi in lucky star {WTF!?}):

dun ask meh about teh dancing cats...

maybe this? (lucky star in haruhi {more WTF!?, goes both ways XD}):

konata-ism XD

plus this? :

clicketh linky --> link
mikuru beam!!!

this? :

n this? :

n even this? THIS!? :

more, more, MORE, MORE, MORE!!!!!!!!! *shot b4 posting any more links*

K, imma going, meh brain's started decaying, n i need to giveth meh torrent a 'bandwidth breathing space', so, thats all for now! BYEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! JIA NE!!!!!!!!

post 14 - nommer............

XD! Stupid fren for allowing meh to keep this pic, without realising teh consequences..... Here, teh pic of DOOM!!!!!!!!!! Teh Nommer of Laptop!!!!!! :

He'll be pretty pissed when i post this pic, but he isn't here to told meh off. Well, not at this moment, obviously.... (its 7 A.M when this post is written) *shot by fren from afar* Damn it, he saw it. Better post this up quick... *shot with sniper multiple times and dodges* POST!!! *clicks*

post 10 - driving test


am having teh final driving test, to get teh initial 'P' licenscsce needed for meh freedom... Man, can i even pass it? *broods* someone help meh..... Will some kind of threat work on govt. official? *punched* if only i can bring along shotguns or such there..... *kick* *shot* Someone gimme a cookie plz..... Imma scared.... Had a pack of butter flying in my tummeh.....

anyway, imma going to university in a week's time less than a week (this thursday.....) and imma not supposed to bring my laptop along until a week later, so i'll be 'absent' from teh internet for that time... *slow but evil voice* and plan for teh destruction of HEARTSTOP n CHEE using teh butter-sword, taser-sword n taser-spud-gun!!!!! *shot* *shot* *shot* *shot* *super-kicked* *crash* *wham!-punched* *laser-kicked* *whammed on distant cliff* *bazooka-d* *grenade-d* *loud boom* BOOOMMM!!!!!!!
