> muh... must update this world... (scratches head) what to put here?
> hmmm, no idea... oh, wait! yeah, link! :
> http://www.youtube.com/user/LaviStrikesBack
> welcome! this is meh world, no randomness will go uncommented, and no stones
> will be left unthrown... *starts up laptop* nowww....., WHERES THAT
> PUDDING????? *chokes iggy for eating up pudding* hmmm, sorry 'bout that, got
> carried away. well, lets get started :

> Hi. My name's Lavi, or at least that's what everyone's been calling me. To
> tell you the truth, I think I've even forgotten my real name, got lost in a
> backup disk somewhere, but that's going off topic. I mostly waste away my
> time in front of my computer watching anime music videos (AMV) of Final
> Fantasy and D.Gray Man, and have even considered making one myself, but I've
> failed catastrophically, the result a combination of Sony Vegas-ing and
> low-ass RAM (256MB). So, from now on, I don't ever wanna hear the word AMV.
> EVER-AGAIN-!-!-!
> Then I surf the net to find DGM wallies, and stumbles onto this site,
> TheOtaku.com, and user 'crimsonresolution' that somehow has another account
> in Youtube. I got hooked to it, but because of its former
> free-download-wallies-for-all approach, I haven't bother registering. Until
> early 2009. Starting that time, the site adopts a members-only approach
> (after noticing the large influx of guest users, I think) that half-forced me
> to register (well, crimsonresolution isn't in Youtube all the time, so i went
> to investigate). And the rest is history...

> in my world there's no rule, except one VERY important guideline :
> DON'T EVER F**KING TOUCH THE GUAVA!!! (picture shown below) :

> P/S : Anyone in my immediate area code in Malaysia (81900), please private
> message me if you are going to UiTM Dungun. Anyone is welcomed.....


post 33 - The Slogan Is!!!!!! :

Well, goofing around again, luffing around google, finding n typing in random things. Somehow, I stumbled upon this 2 sites :

Buzzword Generator

Ad Slogan Generator

Pretty useful XD, now I'll have TONS upon TONS of cards posted on theO, provided I have enough anime screencaps to go around with. Hmmm, talking about screencaps n anime... *went to down sum more random anime*

Sum examples from the Ad Slogan Generator, using my online name :

  • Do you have the Lavi Inside? (O.o)
  • Good to the last Lavi.
  • Feel the Lavi. (o.O again)
  • What's in your Lavi? (o.o)
  • But I'd rather have a bowl of Lavi. (TT.TT soji...)
  • Hope it's Lavi, it's Lavi, hope it's Lavi.
  • ......................

And the list go on and on and on and on and on...............

Find suitable words! Put them in the blender! Prepare the tweezers to pick up letters from the floor! And, PRESTO! You got yourself a slogan!!!

meh... k, imma going now, N CON IN 3 MORE DAYS!!!!! *hypers self*


post 31 - SECRET ANIME CON WISH!!!!!

Imma planning something big this year, n i might do it alone, secretly, without telling my parents. Im currently searching for any anime conventions in Malaysia, and preferably in the capital, nearby citites within 200 km radius, or my home state's capital city. Guess what i'd do.... I REALLY, REALLY BADLY WANNA GO ANIME CONVENTIONS!!!!! I WANNA GO, COME HELL OR HIGH DOLLAR!!!!

Ive prepared a budget max of RM 400 [USD$ 114.20, its enough tho] , excluding ticket prices, n since it will be a day trip, i'll buy tickets b4hand, bcoz i dun really have relatives there at the capital (except if the rumors where my sis went n stayed there after running away from home was true). Maybe I could ask 'gdaneqa' to guide me around, since its uber-complicated there. But then, i dun have her mobile phone no. anymore. Stupid phone thief...... Guess I hafta email/theO msg her for her phone no...

Wait, I think I got one... Hmmm, GACC? Heard of it before...
Btw, teh website i for the con that has only 6 days (6 DAYS!?) b4 launching :


Shuttle bus provided from KL Sentral (capital) to Malacca (con place)

MY FOCUS : "Treasuring our GACC tradition, GACC2009 has no entry fees and open to all. Children below 10 must be accompanied by an adult guardian."

N IMMA 18!!!! XDDD

Dunno ur views, plz comment, anyone? Especially to anyone from Malaysia that have gone to one. K? thats all, BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!! *goes to remove all file from phone memory to make up for pic n vid space*

post 10 - driving test


am having teh final driving test, to get teh initial 'P' licenscsce needed for meh freedom... Man, can i even pass it? *broods* someone help meh..... Will some kind of threat work on govt. official? *punched* if only i can bring along shotguns or such there..... *kick* *shot* Someone gimme a cookie plz..... Imma scared.... Had a pack of butter flying in my tummeh.....

anyway, imma going to university in a week's time less than a week (this thursday.....) and imma not supposed to bring my laptop along until a week later, so i'll be 'absent' from teh internet for that time... *slow but evil voice* and plan for teh destruction of HEARTSTOP n CHEE using teh butter-sword, taser-sword n taser-spud-gun!!!!! *shot* *shot* *shot* *shot* *super-kicked* *crash* *wham!-punched* *laser-kicked* *whammed on distant cliff* *bazooka-d* *grenade-d* *loud boom* BOOOMMM!!!!!!!

post 06 - big sis

imma an uncle today!!! meh 2nd big sis went into labour this evening [no, caserean (i spelled it wrong?) operation of something] and she got her 1st baby!!! YAY!!! me told gdaneqa and her evil twin about it!

Man, im so gonna take teh baby pic once i got hold of a camera....

UPDATE 4:09 PM 6/5/2009 : teh pic!!! :
