This world is the exact opposite of my other worlds.I created this world because my friends said "you need to cheer up" and that I needed to create a world that would make me seem more approachable.Like I want other people to tell me that I need to cheer up.
Any ways I hope you guys and girls enjoy this world because it's a world of pure joy,mischeif,and jokes.Sometimes this world will also contain a few of my darker poems,as well as a few other things.


Man I hate having to do school work.It's probably the most boring thing to do in the world.Yeah we do learn things about our country's history and about what has happened over the years,but couldn't the teachers make class a little more interesting.I'm so bored I'm surfing the internet right now.Gawd.I'm so stupid.I should be doing work right now,instead I'm surfing the web.
I'm feeling okay right now,but it won't be long before another huge headache gets to me.Ugh.I can't believe this is happening to me.But that's just the way life is.Talk about boring.I just got done getting out of health class and all I did in there was watch people play the wii our school got from the state.I don't know why we got it,but we do have a wii.And a playstation 3.Which is amazingly cool.Because the school uses them,or is trying to incorpoate them into certain classes for the entire school.I like the idea of having a wii and a playstation 3 for my school,but it doesn't take long before the kids in middle and elementary school break them or just steal them.Which is totally saying something about our school's rep.


Sorry to not have posted in a while.I've been pretty busy with volleyball practice and school work.Argh!I hate math class....It totally sucks!!Any way I thought I'd post a few pictures of snow leopards.I hope you enjoy.Well there was supposed to be two different pictures of snow leopards.
