This world is the exact opposite of my other worlds.I created this world because my friends said "you need to cheer up" and that I needed to create a world that would make me seem more approachable.Like I want other people to tell me that I need to cheer up.
Any ways I hope you guys and girls enjoy this world because it's a world of pure joy,mischeif,and jokes.Sometimes this world will also contain a few of my darker poems,as well as a few other things.


Sorry I haven't been around lately to add anything new.I've been in college for the last two weeks and life has been kind of hectic.But I'm kind of gettin' the hang of thing's.For now anyway.


He stands there in all his glory
Looking like a god of war
Bringing about destruction upon the lands
Beckoning young souls to his side and making them do his bidding

He looks out over the horizon
And smiles
For what he sees is a land left in complete ruin
A land left in complete chaos
A land left in complete decay
The one responsible for all this destruction,chaos,and decay
Is him
He created all this detsruction
Because he felt he had a right to
He created chaos
Because hethought it would be nice to have some fun
He left in his wake decay
Because new life could start from anything
Nothing could stop him
Nothing could sway him from his purpose
No one would be able to make him stop his silly little games of death
No one could even think to stand up to him in battle
For he would strike them down before they even had a chance to defend themselves
He would never let anyone defeat him in battle
No matter what
For he is responsible for bringing new life into the world
And he wouldn't let anyone sway him from his purpose
Because it's what he was born to do
And his name
Should anyone ever want to know before he delivers the killing blow
His name is Jeevan

Hell,the Forgotten Realm

He was always there for me
Every time I needed him,but
Lately he hasn't even shown his face,I
Long to see his face so much

The need to see his face is beyond bearable,if
He showed his face now
Everyone would break out in tears

For years he's been gone and
Over time my heart has grown cold and filled with anger
Regrettably I can't stand it anymore;having to
Grow cold hearted towards the ones I love
Oh,but I am the lady of the darkness and I want
To rain death on this world,
To bring this world to it's utter destruction;
Even though I would die along with them and I have
Never wanted anything more than to die with the ones I love

Remebering my lover's face is hard on me
Even though I know he's out in the world
All alone in his misery
Leaving me to suffer alone here amongst the souls of the dead
Many of whom no belong to Hell,just like me


How bored can you get within 8 hours?To be honest I can get pretty bored.Not extremely bored,but bored enough to be tired and bitchy.I'm reading this book called 'Crank' and people keep asking me 'J**** what you reading?'You know in that kind of funny,joking kind of way.
Any ways,that's all I've been doing lately.Oh and I've been busy with school work and volleyball practice.Gotta go before my literature teacher gets mad at me for not doing my work.


Sorry to not have posted in a while.I've been pretty busy with volleyball practice and school work.Argh!I hate math class....It totally sucks!!Any way I thought I'd post a few pictures of snow leopards.I hope you enjoy.Well there was supposed to be two different pictures of snow leopards.