This world is the exact opposite of my other worlds.I created this world because my friends said "you need to cheer up" and that I needed to create a world that would make me seem more approachable.Like I want other people to tell me that I need to cheer up.
Any ways I hope you guys and girls enjoy this world because it's a world of pure joy,mischeif,and jokes.Sometimes this world will also contain a few of my darker poems,as well as a few other things.


Well as I've been dreading it for the longest time I have to say that I'm in school now.And it sucks!!Honestly,who likes school?I know I don't for a fact.To be honest I hate school,but I go to make my family happy and to get a high school diploma.
Be honest,who likes school?Who doesn't?Why do you like school?If you don't,why not?I won't judge you,but I would like you to tell me.That's all^^.
