Hi everybody,
If you have visited The Drak Realm or The Undrworld, then you know what's gonna go in this world.For those who haven't visited my other world's then this is a world where all of my poems or other writings go.
I love to write poetry and love to write things down that I have on my mind.But this world is mostly for anything I want it to be.If you would like to see something other than poetry then all you have to do is recommend something and I'll ty and do something like it.
- Created By Darkgoddess17
Why am I crying?
If pain is in my head,
Why do I feel it in my heart?
Every night all I do is
Cry my eyes out
The tears I shed are like a never ending waterfall
The tears won't seem to stop
I wipe some of the tears away
Only to find that new ones have taken the place of the ones I had wiped away
Why won't these tears stop?
Why am I crying?
These tears are my tears
Yet they won't stop when I want them to
Is this the price I have to pay for the coutless years of guilt I've hidden?
How much more will I have to wait till my tears stop shedding?
I have never cried this much in all my life
Not even when my grandfather died
Once news of my favorite grandpa came to my parents
They told my siblings and me
It hurt to know that my favorite grandpa had just died
And I couldn't bear it
Of course I got used to it
But on that very unfortunate day
I vowed to never again shed a tear
Unless I really had to
So why am I crying?
It's not like I got dumped or anything
And I didn't get hurt or get into a car accident
So,again,why am I ?
Hey Summer Vacation Sucks!!!
Hey evrybody,
My summer vacation isn't going so well.It totally sucks!!I thought it would be nice to get up late and not have to go to school.But truth be told it wasn't.I got up expecting to find everyone else asleep but everyone else was awake.What a big bummer.
It's kind of nice to be out of school but it sucks that I have to go to summer school for half of my fucking summer.I hate summer school.I think summer scholl is for losers who couldn't do their work because they were spacing off.But since I'm going to summer school it's cool.^^
Today is a total loss for me because I have nothing to do but sit around and watch TV.I like to have something to do even if it is summer vacay.
another boring day
today is the last day of school and it's totally boring
today is also check out day for the juniors and rest of the school
everybody is rushing around trying to get teachers to sign their check-out sheets.
i have all my teachers signatures so i don't have to worry aboutthat.^^
Kailee, the goddess of rudeness
Little girl
Everyone who isn't like her
Her is like testing
Every disabled person in the world
Guys like her for her
Overly cheerful self
Damn her
Doesn't every one else sense that she's annoying?
Everyone likes her
Some girls hate her
Some girls think she's cool
Only I know the truth
For every moment I'm in class with her,she acts like a total
Retard but
Underneath all that cheerful personality, there is something
Dying to be set free but
Every one doesn't see it
Nobody seems to care
Everyone could care less what I think
Soon someone will beleive me and very
Soon someone will want to put her in her place
Top 10 things I hate about you
I hate you
I hate everything about you
I hate the way you used to kiss me
I hate the way you used to hug me
I hate the way you used to say "I love you"
I hate the way you stared at me
I hate the way you would stay by my side every moment I was awake
I hate the way you make me laugh
I hate the way you'd go anywhere with me as long as we were alone
I hate the way you would know how to cheer me up