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Hello everyone,

Ive been a fan of wrestling my entire life and I figured that i would make this world so that i could share my fond experiences from wrestling with all of you as well :) Plus i havent seen a wrestling related world here on Theotaku yet, so i felt it would be pretty cool to get it started :)

If you are a wrestling fan and would like to be a guest poster, or would like to share wrestling related information/topics/discussions, feel free to message me anytime :)


The Shawn Micheals -Bret Hart -Undertaker Fiasco

Hello :)

Last night before i went to work, i was watching one of my Undertaker dvds, and i found myself watching one of my favorite matches - Bret hart VS. The Undertaker at Summerslam in 1997, with Shawn Micheals as the special Referee.

apparently The Undertaker had been destroying referees leading up to Summerlsam, so when summerslam came around - none of the refs wanted to official the match lol. So the WWF chose a wrestler to be the official and out of irony it just so happened yto be Shawn Micheals lol.

Stipulations were set on all men -

Bret Hart : if he loses, then he would never wrestle in the United States again

Shawn Micheals: if he is biased towards either wrestler, then he would be fired, and would never be able to wreslt in the United States again either.

Undertaker: if he loses, then he loses the WWf Championship

Here is a short video of the Summerslam Match

After the situation at summerslam, Shawn Micheals would be punished by the WWf by being allowed to face the Undertaker in the First Hell in a Cell Match lol.

here is a video of that match :)

An then a short time later was The Survivor Series 1997 Incident,

Well, i suppose that will be all for today, i sure hopw to post more tommorrow, so be sure to check back for more :)

stay strong,


International Flavor

Hello Everyone,

While i was going through my wrestling dvds yesterday, i finally found, the dvd with the scene that shows Masahiro Chono as WCW World Heavyweight Champion. I also saved some screenshots of some other international wrestlers, and thought that i would post the pics up while i was making some visual changes to this world :)

As you can see, i posted up the company logos for WWF, WCW and TNA in the introduction, and im currently trying to decide another possible color scheme for this world as well. I am also planning on adding some links to the intro that will give people access to the same Wrestling news sites that i visit regularly, so be sure to check back for the changes :)

And lastly, if you are a wrestling fan and would like to guest post on this world, then feel free to let me know - the more the merrier, thats for sure :)

Now here are the pics of the international Wrestlers, hope you enjoy :)

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Masahiro Chono - WCW World Champion

Chono (c) vs. The Great Muta - WCW Starcade 1992

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Kensuke Sasaki - WCW United States Champion

Sasaki vs. Sting(c) - WCW in Japan - U.S. title Match (very loud crowd!)

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Team Mexico/AAA from the early days of TNA, during the World X Cup

Team AAA vs. Team UK

Well, i suppose that will be all for today, i sure hope you guys enjoy the post and i hope to hear from you all soon :)

stay strong,


The Rise & Fall of WCW

Hello everyone,

Yesterday I bought the Rise & Fall of WCW dvd and i thought id post a pic of the dvd case here on my world :)

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I have always been a fan of WCW, especially when i was younger - simply because when i was younger we only had like 13 channels on tv and i usually just watched the TBS channel, which was way different back then. TBS use to show action movies all the time and occasionally had cartoons on the weekends etc. But my favorite show to watch on TBs was WCW Saturday Night. I would sit there and watch it while my Grandpa would tell me stuff about each wrestler that he knew about and stuff like that. The production value of the show was really awesome back then and i wish i had all of the WCW Saturday Night episodes lol. On saturday mornings TBS also showed WCW Worldwide, which was a show that kept people up to date on what was happening in WCW. It would show some matches and highlights of stuff from Nitro, etc. it was an hour long, but it was still fun to watch :) On Sundays TBS would show WCW Pro, which was baiscally just a hour of mid/lower card wrestlers wrestling. For me it was awesome to watch, simply because back then i just wanted to watch wrestling and WCW filled that void for the longest time lol.

The Rise & Fall of WCW is a good dvd set, with a pretty cool documentary, and it also has alot of matches - old and new :)

i hope to chat with you all soon :)

stay strong,


A fan of Wrestling

Hello everyone,

I created this world yesterday because i had been thinking about it for a while and i hadnt seen a wrestling related world here on Theotaku lol. I also created it so i would be able to divide all of my post topics among worlds, instead of piling them all up on my Yamcha's anime Universe world lol.

With this world ill be able to post more pics for each topic and also keep things more organized and presentable for you guys :)

Today i thought id post some pics of 3 great matches. I have alot of wrestling dvds, so im able to save screenshots from each match and give a little info on them, to share with other wrestling fans here on Theotaku :)

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WCW WrestleWar - February 24th 1991

Brian Pillman, Sting, Rick Steiner and Scott Steiner
Ric Flair, Barry Windham, Sid Vicious, and Larry Zbysko

This match type use to be one of my favorites - 2 rings side by side with one big cage over them both. 2 men start the match and then every 2 minutes afterwards another person would enter from each team depending on the winner of a coin toss. The object of the match was to wrestle until someone on either team couldnt go on anymore, or submits. It was a pretty vioelnt match, especially when Sid Vicous got into the ring lol. After 2 back to back powerbombs, Brian Pillman had to be carried out, giving the 4 Horsemen the win :)

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Ironman Match for the WWF Championship - Wrestlemania 12 - March 31st,1996
Bret Hart(champion) VS. Shawn Micheals

This is widely considered one of the best "pure" wrestling matches of all time. The stipulation of the "ironman" match was that the match would be 1 hour long (60 minutes), and whoever got the most pins or submissions on their opponent during that 60 minutes would win the title. For so many years wrestling was mostly viewed as being a "big man" sport, but these tow men were a bit smaller and more technically sound wrestlers. thier wrestling and entertainment skills were put to the test in one of the best matches ever. When the 60 minutes expired, neither men had pinned or submitted the other at all - putting the match into sudden death. Shawn Micheals hit 2 consecutive superkicks to win the WWF Championship for the first time :)

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TNA Global Impact 2008 -Tokyo Japan
Kurt Angle(champion) VS. Yuji Nagata

This is also one of my favorite matches, mostly because it takes place in Japan lol. The japanese fans are always very respectable towards the wrestlers, even towards the bad guy wrestlers lol. Before i got this match on dvd, i originally had recorded it onto tape from tv, and i was pretty excited to see the japanese style of how the entrance area was set up, and also how the ring looked. I was even more excited once the wrestlers came out. Kurt Angle had the TNA World Title, and the IWGP Heavyweight Title (The New Japan Pro Wrestling promotion's world title), but during this match, only the IWGP title was on the line. It was cool to see Yuji Nagata again, because i had watched him years ago when he held the T.V. Title in World Championship Wrestling, and i knew what he was capable of doing as a wrestler. The match itself was really good, alot of reversals and devastating moves that you dont see in american wrestling very much. As the match went on, it seemed that each guy had a reversal and moves to counteract the other guy. The end of the match came when Yuji Nagata attempted a running kick to Kurt Angle's head, only to have Kurt Angle catch it and apply his Ankle Lock submission move. Nagata fought it and held on as long as he could, but he eventually ended up submitting. One of the best matches ive ever seen :)

Well, i suppose that will be all for today, im glad to finally post for this world and i hope you all enjoy it :) thanks for visiting :)

stay strong,

