beyond belief

Chapter two
What’s that noise?

We snuck into the house and as I went up the stairs with my friends my mum shouted “Laura… is that you?”
“Err” I hesitated then I said, “Hi mum my mates are round the night were just going upstairs, that ok?”
“Yer just as long as there parents let them” she replied.
As we sighed with relief, we ran upstairs and my mum went outside fortunately she just missed us and she went to the pub to fetch dad she would be at least an hour.
“So… shaoran what are we gonna do about the extra things on Laura?” Sara asked shaoran.
“Hu why are you asking me?” he replied in a puzzled kind of way.
Just then a weird sound came from outside.
“Hay guy did you here something?” I asked, “It sounded like someone is outside”
We looked outside but no one was there so we went back to try figure out how we could get rid of the extra things on my body.
“Got it” shaoran said “have you tried retracting the things into your body so you still have them but no one knows!”
“Wow great plan I’ll give it a try” I replied happily then I tried it.

I closed my eyes and tried with all my might and… it worked, it actually worked!
“Shaoran you’re a Guinness!” I said as I hugged him
He went red “err that’s okay?” he replied
I let go of him and started to go red as well, then my ears popped out!
“Hu… wha…what’s going on?” I asked Sara
“Well it looks like when your embarrassed your tail, ears or wings come out!” she replied then she giggled.
“Well that would exclaim it” I replied.
Then I relaxed myself, the ears reduced back into my body then we went to sleep.

We awoke the next morning and it was Saturday, a good day for us to get control of the whole animal thing. We had breakfast, got changed then went out to the forest where it all happened. We looked around the spot where the orb thing was but there was no clue on how to get ride of the animal parts. All of a sudden I herd a rustling sound coming from the bushes to the left of me!
“Hay guys… did you hear that?” I asked my friends
“Here what?” they replied
The sound came again! “THAT!” I shouted back!
Then out of the bushes came a wired tiny monster type thing!
“Are he’s so cute” Sara said as she approached the thing.
It had a blue body, one little bucktooth, big ears, a bushy tail and was about the same size of a small dog!
Then all of a sudden it started to grow rapidly much bigger than my own house! We were frightened, so frightened I almost fainted! We ran and ran but it was chasing us and we couldn’t escape it. Then we decided spitted up but once we did it decided to chase after me!