beyond belief

Chapter four
The consequence

“So that’s what you want now is it? Well you’re not getting my powers!” I replied
“Well I’ll just have to take them from you!” he replied
He slowly lifted up his pail skin arms and it started to glow! He lifted me up like I was a toy or something!
Then he said some wired words like, ‘eh asahal webs kin selflf’ and I was in pain for a moment my hair turned white and I was getting sleepy but I didn’t stop trying to get free.
“LAURA” I heard shaoran faintly say as all the sound slowly started to disappear.
Shaoran jumped and grabbed me! I was free but I fainted as my hair went back to normal.
Once I awoken I found myself home with my friends and my mum.
“Uh what happened where am I?” I said in a shattered kind of voice
“Your back at your house Laura.” replied Sara calmly
“You fainted cause you were so worn out remember.” Shaoran said to give me a hint of what they told my mum.

“Oh yer now I remember” I replied
My mum wanted me to eat something but I kept saying I wasn’t hungry. I kept worrying that leira was going to come back and attack my family. So my two friends and me set of to an area where we waited for leira to attack. The place we were at was dull and colourless it had rocky walls reaching up towards the sky and was in the far end of the forest no one ever goes here. Then he came, leira.
“So you want me to fight you,” he said.
“Why fight when we could talk? I mean don’t you get tired of fighting? Why do you even want my powers anyway you have your own?” I asked him.
“Well sweet cakes” he replied, “Your powers are essential to my plan to rule this galaxy.”
“Hay don’t call me sweet cakes and what do you mean this galaxy?” I shouted at him.
Then without warning he attacked and I quickly turned into my animal form then flu up to dodge him.
“Well seems like your more smarter than I thought but while your up there you can’t save your precious friends!” he said with a mean smile on his face.
“Sara, shaoran!” I shouted then whooshed down to save them but then a monster of leira’s blocked my way!
“So your friends or your powers which is it?” he asked me.
I slowly lowered my self down and was quiet and then I said
“My friends” I said. Then my friends were let go.
“Ha ha finally I can hold your powers and rule this universe ha ha ha!” leira chuckled
Then I started to giggle!
“What’s so funny?” leira asked
“Well you see… I’m not Laura hahaha,” said the person who looked like Laura
“I AM! Said a voice from behind
I shot my psychic beam at both leira and the monster as hard as I could!
The monster disappeared and so did leira then I fell because I used a bit too much power and I landed into Shaoran’s arms.
I opened my eyes and stared into his eyes “Are you ok?” he said
“Err… yer” I replied as I started to go red.
He let me down and I stood up. Once he put me down, he turned around and said “we should all get home now” then I saw a glimpse of his face and that his face was all red too!