Hello? I'm VenusGuyTrap. I'm a boring girl with little to say. I like to post links and images. That's pretty much it. I'm taken and in love (we're a little engaged).

Here's a little music

External Image

On the subject of work

I just got home from work, yes at the candy store.

I crafted all you theO users a little something from solid sugar.

It is, naturally, a crystal onix made from rock candy.
He's quite cute, I believe. The crystal onix lives in a cave in the Orange Islands in the anime Pokemon universe.

Strangest Phone Call:
"Popcorn Plus, my name is Stephanie. How can I help you?"

"Yes, is this the South Coast Rehab Center?"

"No ma'am, this is the candy store in the mall."

"Oh, I have the wrong number."

Most Interesting Customer:

An aged man came by and tried fervently to write a check and pay a bill.
At the candy store.
After we told him many times that he was at the wrong place, he admitted that he once had an aneurysm and promised to go to the bank tomorrow.
