A Request to my Fellow Otakus...

Guys, I really rarely do this...but I really want to see this happen.

As I'm sure some of you have already seen in my portfolio, I added new art, some of which include my FMA OC with Envy.

I've given descriptions, as well, for my OC.

Well, guys. I want to see some of YOU draw her, either alone or with Envy (preferrably with Envy).

You can do it in black and white, or you can color it. I don't care what you use to color it, either, as long as you use the colors that are mentioned for her and the normal colors for Envy himself.

If you guys would please do this for me, it would be so very appreciated. I want to see YOUR versions of her. ^-^

Fellow artists of TheO...Let's see those works of art!!

When did Fanfic/RP die out so much? O_o

Ohayou gozaimasu, TheO friends. :3

So, I just have to know, because it's been kind of bugging me...

When did fanfictions and RP die out so badly? Like, seriously, hardly anyone will bother to do those things anymore. Granted, some weirdos are into RP, but they like it all...creepy and sexual a girl being a naughty nurse, while her boyfriend is her patient. >.> Eww? Yeah.

I miss the good old days, when people could fanfiction/RP about anime. Just the other night, I actually enjoyed the first good RP I've done in a while, and it dealt with FMA/FMA Brotherhood. It was FUN! And I liked being able to do it again. But now, it seems no one else will do it, which sucks, cause I really need help with my fanfic/RP for FMA Brotherhood.
Featuring my FMA OC, fact, here's a little about her.

Karina is a homunculus with a split personality. She is both Doubt and Vanity, but can switch off on one side depending on her mood. When she is stable as one person, she is Karina. When she is Doubt, she is more shy and modest, unsure about a lot. Her ouroborus is on her left shoulder. But when she is Vanity, she is extremely egotistical and straightforward, and more than happy to start a fight. Her ouroborus is on her right shoulder. When stable, both ouroborus are visible. Karina lost most of her memory, but she knows who and what she is. She has a connection to Envy, and was in fact his partner before she was kidnapped and her memory was wiped. She doesn't realize this, but Envy will continuously try to make her remember and cooperate. Every now and then, she will have painful flashbacks that render her helpless for several minutes, or will even knock her unconscious.
She is just a bit shorter than Envy. Her hair goes past her calves, and it is a silvery-grey color. Her eyes are bright green, and her skin is just between tan and pale.
Both personalities like Envy immensely, but try to hide it as much as possible. This becomes harder when the personalities are stable and she is one, Karina.

Yeah, so I need someone to help...because I can't just play all the characters. I can probably handle acting as Al and MAYBE Ed, but I need some more people to help out. I need an Envy, a Greed/Ling, a Winry, a Roy, a Riza, an Armstrong(male) and (female), a Lust, a Gluttony, a Pride, a Wrath, and any other main characters.

Come on, people...use your imaginations! Just because we've all gotten older doesn't mean we can't still pretend sometimes and have a little childish fun.

Light Karina: Doubt
Dark Karina: Vanity
I didn't draw on their Ouroborus yet at that time cause I hadn't yet decided where to put it.

Life Update.

This'll be a short update, I think.

I'm sure everyone expected it. I broke up with Ryuu to get back with Yuki...which was a really stupid move. I had that little voice telling me to stay with Ryuu, and I didn't listen.

Well, now I'm alone again. And the only thing that is even remotely hurting me is the fact that I made that mistake and can't take it back. I don't even know if Ryuu could ever forgive me.

Anyway, I'm back, and I'm going to try and update often.

Peace out.

Tsumi is BAAAACK~<3!

Well, my little otaku friends!
Obviously, Tsumi has gotten a hold of a computer, otherwise she would not be updating this thing.
I know, I know. I've been neglecting my position here on TheO...badly. This is simply because my "smart"phone hasn't been very SMART for quite some time, and won't let me post my art. :( Which sucks, because I have drawn a TON since I was last on here.

Not only have I been drawing a lot, but life itself has changed, my lovelies. Tsumi has changed.

I'm not emo, but I still dress extravagantly. I still do my makeup quite odd, and I still wear my hair down and in my face as much as possible. But Tsumi is not a self-harmer!!!

Tsumi is also no longer with Mister Tyler-douche. You see, it finally occurred to me after five years that he's a worthless ass-bag, and doesn't deserve my kindness. Yes, Tsumi dumped HIM. Tsumi met someone worth her time, and we shall call him Ryuu, the Ninja Kitsune. :) Tsumi gets like this around him: XD He's a gentleman all around, and Tsumi is happy she found him.
This has been going on for three months now.

Tsumi is still trying to finish her education and get her 24-credit diploma from Adult Ed...I know, I'm a failure for not graduating with my class. But at least I'm still trying. :)

I'd like to know...what's all the hype about the show Adventure Time? Should I check it out, or is it too crackhead-ish? O.o

Anywho. I will try my best to update more from now on, and again, I'm sorry my darlings for not adding any new art yet. I promise to try to as soon as possible.

~Audio AKA Tsumi~


Well, this will be a short post...
But I got dumped today. First thing at school. Because I "broke a promise again."

I won't lie and say I don't mind. It hurts. And since it happened, I've decided to go right back to my old bad habit. I don't have a care in the world what people think about it anymore.

Smoker, liar, cutter, fuck up.