Hey ppl! This world is all about asia from music to jokes. ESPECIALLY JOKES!!!!!! So keep up with the latest asian humor, music, and fashion
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Hey ppl! This world is all about asia from music to jokes. ESPECIALLY JOKES!!!!!! So keep up with the latest asian humor, music, and fashion
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Omg the longest day of my life. I was so out of it today. At lunch my lunch tray broke in half and in chem i dropped a test tube....yea not my best day.....................
Chu, Bu, and Fu decided to immigrate from China to the US. In order to get a Visa, they had to adapt their names to American standards. Chu became Chuck, Bu became Buck. Fu decided to stay in China.
Confucius says, “Man who jump off cliff jump to conclusion!”
OMG i am overwhelmed with homework! Like tons of it! Like omg so much! LIke I should stop saying like! One of my assignments is to write a small review on a book I chose to read in the past....Problem is....I dont read willingly. Like books + me = burnt book....unless it's manga of course. So my only option is...use a book I was forced to read a long long time ago >:D LOL
ok so today I brought a bento to school with shrimp flavored crackers (they look like fries). My friend asked to try one so I gave some to her and she asked, "this is good wat is this?" and I nonchalantly said "Monkey D*ck" and she immediately....spit it out lol it seriously went flying and hit someone across the table lol I was like mmmmmmmmm monkey and she freaked out. After 5 mins of scrapping off her tongue I told her the truth and she hit me, called me a jerk, and ate somemore lol!
Confucius says, "Man who drop watch in toilet have shitty time."
School has started again....*sob* Junior this year but taking AP classes so...I'm basically screwed.......>.< Luckily hav lunch with my friends so I should remain sane for the meantime lol. NOW U MUST LAUGH!
How do you know an asian guy robbed you?
You're homework is done, you're computer is updated and someone can't get out of your driveway...