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Konnichiwa/Konbanwa people. Im Amber and Im 14(now 17) years old XD. lol well any way....my top 5 sexyie's are Ulquiorra Schiffer (bleach), L (death note), Sesshomaru (Inuyasha), Rolo (Code Geass), and Viral (Gurren Lagann)....im pretty random at times so...yeah just a warning you....oh and im trying to learn Japanese with rosettastone.... so thats a work in progress



OMG XD i stayed up and watched anime to night XD it was amazing!~♥ lol and i got to hear ulquiorra's english voice!~♥ XD its not really what i imagined it to be..... but i get that allot like with shinji's voice at first but i think that i like it better now XD and i dont have that much of a problem with ulqui's voice.... its just not as..... deep as i thout it would be.... i mean its good and all..... but i think it should have been a little bit deeper... yet not as deep as in the bleach game XD maybe its only because im so used to that voice XD but any way the point it i think i like it XD and i squeed so much XD but i had to try not to being that i didnt want to miss any of the seynes XD god it was so awesome!!! lol (now i am used to ulqui's voice btw XD)

code geass was good too XD wow i was shocked at what lelouch told suzaku XD

god there was this thing for cinco de mayo today across the street..... and they played really anoying music.... not so much the music as the base.... something about base makes me go crazy XD i hate it so much!!! lol it made me have a head ache..... but i did start some random line art today XD i think i like how the hand is coming out.... for once XD i hope it's any good but being that i lack a good skin color pencil..... its going to be hard to work with XD

god i think i need to hear his voice again... its not sticking in my mind XD it makes me sad lol i want to hear him talk more!!! but i guess im just going to have to wait until my birthday.... oh what a great birthday that will be XD god he is so sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol what a way to end ulqui month huh? XD

its done almost kinda! XD

technically..... the pic for christy-chan's b-day is done.... but i left some thing i want to add out so that i can finish it quick on may 8th XD but the problem is that i want to keep it!!! i love it....i think XD and its going to kill me giving it away.....

yeah thats about it...... im going back to the DA and then i have to do some homework XD

dam titles!!! I lack the creativity!!

so i forgot to post on here on friday... but i did win in that contest thingy.

i have been reading the manga To Love Ru and its really good XD i even got Christy to read it XD just like me getting her to make a DA lol go me XD

i still need to draw NO!CHRISTY! for her...... XD she gets pissed when i do something like that XD just like in my last post XD

but yeah i decided to color her pic of いいえ カリスチ XD i hope it turns out ok XD

the japanese says NO Christy!! XD sorry had to lol (for thoes who cant see it or what ever.... thats because for some reason some computers will show it as these box things or something XD so odd lol)

well any way i have home work i need to do and i want to go on my roof at some point too XD

new drawing/ contest thingy at school XD

holy god it has been like.... for ever since i have posted on here XD.... not that any one reads these things any way XD

i have been on the DA more then any thing!!! i think i post like...... almost every day on there XD i love meeting all the people that hate ichigo/love ulquiorra as much as i do XD

im still drawing Christy's pic for her birthday on the 8th (cant believe that she is only a day older then me XD).... if any one is wondering what it is...... its a pic of canttell shemightseeXD

i really cant say being that she has an account on here and she might see XD that would be BAD!!! XD so if you really care, just pm me or something XD

OMG SQUEE!!!! my stuff is in that contest thing in school and they put it out today!!..... i was so happy to be able to see them again too~♥ and (so far) they are all just fine then the one girl who is kinda like..... in charge of the whole collocating of the pictures said that out of all the things they got this year (and i think that there is allot more then normal) that mine keep coming up as "outstanding" XD YAY!! lol and last year they told me i had won before the whole...... award thingy so if i do i guess i will post it....if i remember to post it here XD

i still need to work on rukia...... i am so close to done but i dont feel like working on that pic for some reason XD o-well.... i will get to it some day XD.....


so i read the bleach chapter this morning and or what a mourning it was....

no he cant be dead!!!! it was so sad!!!!! omg no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why didnt she save him!?!?! i believe strongly that ulqui really does love her now..... i mean... why else would he ask? i hate this!!! why do i have to fucking be so weak and cry? i have been trying not to.... even when someone told me the spoilers i tried to tell myself that it dosnt happen.... but i couldnt help myself then..... and even now i cant accept him as dead.... he has to be ok..... in the state they left the chapter maybe they can undo orihime's fail to react and she could save him..... but this time if something good dosnt happen then i fear it is really good bye to the one character that i can truly say i love the most...... it hurts.... both physically and mentally.... when im really stressed out and sad it hurts my insides.... this sux.... ulquiorra you cant be dead! you can't be gone!!! i love you so much!!!!

i was at my friend sarah's house when we read it.... at the end she hugged me and she was there for me... im glad i have a good friend that understands me..... then she left and i hate when people see me cry so i tried to hide it but i couldnt and every time i looked up i saw it again. she came back with some scissors a lighter and the ichigo figure she accidentally got and she handed them to me. i started laughing but i was still crying so it was like.... really odd but i could stop. we made a video and I'll send you the link later..... and then we took it outside and burnt him because the lighter was being a bitch.... now he is in a box which sarah is giving to me and i think that i will give it to ulquiorra. i love him.... and i will forever......

its not fair!!! how couldnt he regenerate?!?!?!? that makes no scene on kubo's part!!! and ulquiorra saved them!!! he saved ichigo, orihime, and ishida so if any one plans on sending me crap like " YAY THAT BASTARD IS DEAD!!!!" or "GOOD!!!! IM GLAD ICHIGO KILLED THAT EMO BITCH!!" im not going to even fucking reply to it. if you even plan on it and then you dont apologize to me for just thinking it then i think that you shouldn't bother talking to me ever again. fuck those people! ulquiorra deserves better!