Planning for stories and stuff.
Word, dawg.
note: this intro hasn't been thoroughly updated in a couple years
This is a world I made mostly for my own use, but I made it a public world anyways. I'll be posting things about story outlines, my characters, my comics (including fan comics), WIPs, ect... It's pretty much a world where I can store information and/or plan things. xD
Below are short descriptions of my stories to help you know what's going on. xD It also shows which characters are in which story, along with their extended profile if I have one made. Some stories aren't mentioned because I don't work on/think about them often. Therefore, not all of my characters are mentioned.
The link leads to the fan comic in my portfolio. If there isn't a link, there isn't a comic yet.
*Rock Band: Something Impossible: The story of a Rock Band and their adventures in music business.
Major Characters: Michka, Zack, Loyal, Dare, Rick
Important/Frequently Mentioned Supporting Characters: Damian, Tim, Dare's Aunt aka Auntie
*Of Fruits and Vegetables: 4-panel comics of the life of a 21-year-old model and his friends/workmates.
Major Characters: Tomato, Stefan, Tomato's Boyfriend aka "TB", Gabe, Janet aka Jo, Kasey, Dean
Important Supporting Characters: Danny, Leah, Mick
*Dreams: The story of a rich and pampered English boy who gets transported to the mysterious town of Dreams, and his adventures there.
Major Characters: Alcott, Luli, Ms. Marigold
Important Supporting Characters: Shinitsu, Annabelle, and others that are to be decided.
**Annabelle's and Ms. Marigold's profiles are in the same post.**
Story Dialogues: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1
*My Dear Princess: The story of an orphan child, a princess, and friends who's home country's peace is threataned by the evil prince of a country that was thought to be nonexistant. (CONFUSING. xD)
Major Characters: Isaac, Charlotte, Rinchu, Segran, Lucia, Nicholay, Faida, Hrafn, Falorin, Gaelnis
Important Supporting Characters: To be decided.
*Foreigner: An alien boy sent to Earth to destroy the human race finds himself in Los Angeles California, befriends a human girl, and gets involved in crazy advetures.
Major Characters: Kor, Gliding Eagle
Important Supporting Characters: Michelle, Dailen
*A Life Like This: A written story in the perspectives of Dare, Tim, and Rick.
Major Characters: Tim, Dare, Rick, Ms. Ackart
Important Supporting Characters: See characters for Rock Band: Something Impossible.
Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
*Teach Me Something Good: A story about a friendship between a student and a teacher. Somewhat of a spin-off of Of Fruits and Vegetables.
Major Characters: Noland, Chrystal
Important Supporting Characters: Prudence), Stefan (briefly)
*I Was a Boy, Too: A short 3-part story about Gabe when he was in high school. Optional backstory related to Of Fruits and Vegetables.
Major Characters: Gabe, William
Important Supporting Characters: DJ, Dave
Parts: One
*Nerdy and Jock: So there's this nerd, and this jock, and also they're boyfriends. That's it.
Major Characters: Jack, Ned
Important supporting characters: Matthew Brodney III, Dmitri, Charlotte, Jessica Marron, Lafayette, Brodney's girlfriend who doesn't have a name yet;;;
*The Adventures of Marth and Roy: Super Smash Brothers fan comic. Title is pretty self-explanitory.
Major Characters: Marth, Roy, Ike, Pit
I don't have a name for his story, but Jamal is a Kingdom Hearts fan character. I figured I'd mention him because I draw him often enough.
Also, if you want to find posts that feature a specific character, type in the URL[character name]. For example, will bring you to posts about Dare. :)
Enjoy Your Stay at Various Planning!
This is a sketch of a comic for the Tomato story thing.
It's actually going to be the 3rd page... I can't think of any punchline's for the 2nd page. ;A;
click me to see what I'm talking about!
The last panel is unfinished. I need to fix it. It's so sloppy.
Tomato's boyfriend's hair is fun to draw.
Sorry if it's hard to read. o3o It's just a sneak-peak, anyways.
I haven't done one of Rick yet, so here.
This might have spoilers for my Rock Band comic, but I reccomend reading this because I don't get the chance to talk too much about Rick since he's not actually a band member.
Name: Rick Stairwell
Nicknames: Ricky (sometimes), Richard (sometimes by Dare, even though his name isn't even Richard), Ricardo (by Dare, when Rick is being a romantic)
Age: 17
Birthday: August 23
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9
Special Talent: Working with electronics, constructing and managing ideas, housework, and he's secretly a good dancer...
Hobbies: Talking on the phone, using the computer, hanging out with Dare
Profession(s): Band manager for Something Impossible (possibly pro bono)
Birthplace: USA, I don't know which state....
Current Residence: Boston, MA (USA). He moved to Boston when he was in 4th grade
Likes: His camera, hats, his headphones, romance novels, stuff... yeah.
Dislikes: Spicy food, school, homework, being overworked, stress, depression, people fighting/arguing
Love Intrest: Dare (eventually Tim.)
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual (Technically homoromantic asexual, but he doesn't know the intricacies of his orientation so he refers to himself as homosexual.)
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Length: Goes to the middle of his neck
Eye Color: Brown
Jewelry: Both ears pierced, wears a chain necklace
Relationship with Family: GOOD! :D
Key Family / Relatives: Mom, Dad, 3 sisters, brother
Relationship with Friends: GOOD! :D
Key Friends: Dare, eventually Tim
Key Enemies: None
Educational History: In high school
Phobias / Fears: Being alone
Bad Habits / Vices: Keeping his problems to himself
Emotional Problems: Like... depressed or something.
Best Qualities: Hard-working (when he's up for the job)
Worst Qualities: Timid
Key Childhood Experiences: Met Dare in 4th grade, started crushing on Dare in 9th grade (I'll explain later in the post)
Personal Goals: To... live a happy life...?
Professional Goals: To be a movie director or to have a similar profession.
Style of Speech: Uh. Like... kinda shy... ish... and like... worried... RICK. MAN UP.
Commonly Used Words / Slang: Like, totally(?!?), oh, um, other stuff I don't know...
Personality: Tries to be outgoing, but he's actually constantly scared or worried about... well... everything. xD;
First off, I would like to say how unbelievably embarassing it is for me to talk about Rick.
Because he's so. Freaking. DRAMATIC. Or something. He makes even the littlest of things seem like soap-opera material.
But I'll try to get over my embarassment over him, and type what I can. :D;
Umm.... where to start...
Rick is Band Manager of the band Something Impossible, and Dare's (the bassist of the band) best friend. Even though he hasn't been to college yet and isn't educationally qualified to be the band manager, he somehow convinced the record company people into giveing him the job. I dunno how... but he just did. I haven't thought about how yet. xD; He wanted to be the band manager so he could tag along with Dare.
He is a good manager, though. So yay. :>
Although, he's a naturally timid person who depends greatly on people... But he's trying to teach himself to stand up for himself. ._.
Rick is really good at using and fixing electronics. He owns a lot of electronics like cameras, microphones, recording machines, headphones, music players, and stuff... Yeah. Before Dare joined Something Impossible, Dare liked to do covers of songs, and he and Rick recorded the covers at Rick's house. They also sometimes made music videos for the covers, so... that's why Rick has all this tech-y stuff. xD; YAY.
Since the Rock Band comic is mostly about music, I guess I'll talk about what kind of music Rick listens to...
He likes modern pop, like asldroaswre324;'eu LADY GOO GOO GA GA (Lady Gaga). I don't like Lady Gaga. He also likes that Orianthi song that I don't like (According To You). And yeah..... D:<
Rick's also secretly good at dancing. He doesn't really like dancing for fun or anything, but he's good at dance choreography. Usually the only time he dances is if he's teaching someone how to dance.
Hm. So there.
Oh yeah, and he likes collecting hats. HE HAS A (not so secret) HAT FETISH. But not really.
By the way, Rick's last name is a pun/gag. You see, Rick sounds like brick... so... brick stairwell. Like... a staircase made of bricks. xD; So uh... moving on...
Rick moved to Boston when he was in 4th grade. He met Dare in his 4th grade class. And... THEY'VE BEEN FRIENDS EVER SINCE! 8D
Fun times, fun times.
Rick started crushing on Dare when they were in 9th grade. He started wondering about his sexual orientation when he was in 8th grade, but he ignored it. He started to get scared because he thought it was weird that he liked a guy, so he kept to himself and didn't talk to his family much. Eventually, he told Dare that he liked guys, which confused Dare... so... The two of them didn't really talk for a while. Which... made Rick even more worried, because he thought something was wrong with him.
So he cried a lot in his room and skipped dinner and stuff because he didn't feel like talking, and didn't focus on school...
Eventually, Dare talks to Rick and everything is good in the hood. xD;
FUN. (That was all in 9th grade, by the way.)
I don't know.
Drama queen.
Anyways, the paragraph above didn't really sound that exciting, but it'd be better if I ever drew it.
Which I probably won't since I'm terribly lazy.
Due to the way the story of Dreams is set up, character profiles for any of the characters will give away some of the story.
Yeah. But if you don't care, read ahead! xD
This character profile will be a little different... Ms. Marigold comes in two parts: Her current self, and her past self (before she came to Dreams). So I will be posting two character profiles.
Name: Ms. Marigold
Nicknames: None
Age: Unknown (Appears to be around 20 to 25 years old)
Birthday: Unknown
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7
Special Talent: Excellent memory, Extremely knowledgeable, very calm
Hobbies: Reading particular books, taking orders from Luli, counceling, consulting... (are these even hobbies? xD;)
Profession(s): Luli's "consultor"; Dreams's "second-in-command"
Birthplace: Unknown (It is suggested that she was born somewhere in Europe)
Current Residence: Dreams
Likes: Order, perfection
Dislikes: Meddlers
Love Intrest: None
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Length: Goes past her shoulders, but always has it up in a bun
Eye Color: Purple
Jewelry: None
General Appearance: Elegant? Ish? xD;;
Relationship with Family: No family
Key Family / Relatives: No family
Relationship with Friends: Doesn't consider anyone her friends
Key Friends: Luli maybe, Alcott maybe
Key Enemies: People who break the order
Educational History: Appears to be educated, but it is unknown if she actually went to school
Phobias / Fears: Herself, imperfection
Bad Habits / Vices: None
Emotional Problems: Hids her emotions?
Best Qualities: Intellegent
Worst Qualities: Indifferent
Key Childhood Experiences: Something happened to her right eye when she was an adolescent
Personal Goals: To be "perfect"
Professional Goals: None
Style of Speech: Serious, proper
Personality: Silent and calm, and gives off a lonely vibe. When she speaks, she's not afraid to show bitterness toward the one she's talking to. Upon first meeting, she shows a signifigant amout of disdain towards Alcott.
Ms. Marigold is the Co-creator of Dreams and Dreams's first resident. She is also Luli's consultant.
She usually only speaks when she's spoken to, and only gives nessisary information. She almost never says things that are not nessisary or relevent to the conversation.
She's always seen reading, and the book she's reading is unknown throughout the whole comic. (Until the end, maybe. If I decide to do it like that.) It's possible that she gets most of her knowledge from the book she reads, but it couls also be knowledge she just knows off-hand. So her intellegence is kind of a mystery. xD
Ms. Marigold is very particular about perfection or having the image of perfection. She sits extremely straight, her clothes are perfectly ironed, and she never has a hair out of place. Despite her "perfect" appearence, she finds her greatest fault to be her missing eye. The socket of her missing eye is covered by a crudely sewn-on patch that appears to be made of cloth. The patch has a drawing of an eye on it, and was given to her by Luli. She covers the patch with her hair as a way to hide her shame. (How she lost her eye will be explained in Ms. Marigold's "past self" profile, which is located farther down this post.)
She despises haughty and arrogant people, so it's no surprise when she refuses to give Alcott any assistance when he first comes to Dreams.
Ms. Marigold is also an asexual, or someone who has no desire to take place in sexual relationships. In the comic, her sexual orientation is interpreted as someone who has no desire to fall in love/inability to fall in love. At some point, she gets into a conversation with Alcott about love. She speaks about how she can't fall in love or has no desire to fall in love, in which Alcott responds by taking pity on her.
Name: Annabelle Beaudelaire
Nicknames: None
Age: "Deceased" at age 16
Birthday: Unknown
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7
Special Talent: None
Hobbies: None
Profession(s): Student/unemployed
Birthplace: Somewhere in France
Current Residence: "Deceased"
Likes: Unknown
Dislikes: She would never say it, but her father and family
Love Intrest: None
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Length: Goes past her shoulders, but always has it up in a bun
Eye Color: Purple
Jewelry: Necklaces, whatever her family choses for her to wear
General Appearance: Seemingly beautiful, but is actually quite plain
Relationship with Family: Her family has high expectations for her, but show excessive amouts of indifference toward her actual feelings
Key Family / Relatives: Her father
Relationship with Friends: None
Key Friends: None
Key Enemies: None
Educational History: Private tutors
Phobias / Fears: Her father
Bad Habits / Vices: Imperfection
Emotional Problems: Depression, paranoia
Best Qualities: Obedient
Worst Qualities: Imperfect
Key Childhood Experiences: Constantly scolded by her family, beaten by her father to the extent where he got so angry he carved her right eye out of her head
Personal Goals: To please Father
Professional Goals: Whatever Father wishes
Style of Speech: Monotoned, obedient
Personality: Obedient, timid, constantly in fear of her father
Little is known about Annabelle because Ms. Marigold tries to block Annabelle (her past self) from her mind.
What is known is that Annabelle comes from a rich family from France. Her family has high expectations for her, and provided her with private tutors for music, etiquette, and general knowledge. When she did something unmannerly or made a mistake with anything her parents scolded her. At first it was just mild scolding, but soon her parents became obsessed with the idea of Annabelle being a perfect girl. Even if she made the slightest mistake in speech, etiquette, music, dancing, or anything, her father would yell and beat her.
Annabelle soon became extremely scared of everyone, because she feared that they would all beat her or yell at her if she did something "wrong". She tried to do everything perfectly, but because her motive was out of fear, she began to make even more mistakes than she had before.
One day, Annabelle (16 years old now) was reciting a poem to her father, and slipped up on her words. This brought her father to the edge, and he became furious with her. He beat on her with whatever was in the room, yelling and screaming about how imperfect she was. All through the beating, Annabelle cried "I'm sorry Father, I will be perfect." over and over again. Her father finished the beating by gouging her right eye out with a spoon, ignoring her crying. He left Annabelle lying on the floor, bleeding, while she continued to say "I'm sorry Father, I will be perfect."
It is here that Luli appeared and brought her to Dreams. Upon noticing Annabelle's missing eye, Luli made her a "replacement eye" (the cloth with a drawing of an eye on it) out of good intention.
It is unknown how Annabelle got the name Ms. Marigold from Luli, it's possible Luli just got it out of the top of her head.
Ms. Marigold gets her "perfection complex" from Annabelle, because even though her father is long gone, she still tries to prove to him that she is perfect.
Even though Ms. Marigold and Annabelle are technically the same person, I want you to think of them as two different people. When Annabelle left her home and came to dreams, she is reborn as Ms. Marigold, a completely different person.
I haven't drawn a picture of Annabelle yet, so I'll try to get one up soon. :) Thanks for reading.
**Updated 8/16/11**
I've decided to do some extended profiles of my characters. :0 It's basically where I type a whole bunch of stuff about a character. 8D So yeah. These profiles will be a little different from the original profiles I did of them, but these ones will be more accurate.
I did Dare's profile first because I needed some refrence pictures of him... yeah. o3o
Name: Dare
Real Name: Oliver
Nicknames: Dairy fairy, Dare bear (?!), Darr, Idiot, Stupid, Jerk, The-not-smooth-guy, Secret D.A.R.E (I'll explain this one later in the post. xD)
Age: 18
Birthday: September 4th
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6
Special Talent: Music (plays the bass guitar and the oboe)
Hobbies: Studying, reading, playing music, listening to music, playing video games
Profession(s): Bassist for Something Impossible; Waiter/busboy at Charlie's Pub
Birthplace: London, England
Current Residence: Boston, Massachusetts (USA)
Likes: Music (obviously), food (xD;), Friends! 8D, happy people, life
Dislikes: Mean people, being hungry, being a jerk, cold weather, skinny jeans
Love Intrest: Loyal
Sexual Orientation: Straight. (Technically pansexual because he doesn't completely rule out the possibility of falling in love with a guy or anyone else,)
Hair Color: Natrually black, dyed blue.
Hair Length: Medium-short? xD;
Eye Color: Blue
Jewelry: Earrings, nose ring
General Appearance: Not beautiful, but not ugly.... normal? xD
Relationship with Family: His aunt = very close, his parents and the rest of his family = not so close (he doesn't remember them)
Key Family / Relatives: His Aunt (Lives with her, parental figure), Damian (cousin)
Relationship with Friends: Good? xD He likes being with his friends. o3o
Key Friends: Michka, Loyal, Zack, Rick
Key Enemies: None.
Educational History: Is in 12th grade, graduates "this" year.
Phobias / Fears: Change-o-phobia. xDD; The fear of change.
Bad Habits / Vices: He verbally beats himself up. xD; (Like, he tells himself he's not that great and stuff because he's afraid of getting a big ego.)
Emotional Problems: Low self-esteem...
Best Qualities: Carefree, energetic, usually HAPPEH
Worst Qualities: Hyperactive, impuslive
Key Childhood Experiences: Separated from parents when he was 3
Personal Goals: Enjoy living
Professional Goals: He doesn't know yet
Style of Speech: Informal with everyone, but adds formal speech to his informal speech when he's talking to people signifigantly older than him (eg: Sometimes says things like "yes, Ma'am" when spoken to by someone older, but still talks informally.); American accent
Commonly Used Words / Slang / Jargon: Man, Dude, wicked, wicked awesome, sweet, ect...
Lies / Misinformation: That he is in a relationship with Rick.
Personality: Carefree, engergetic, impulsive, ANNOYING, super dense, dramatic, overly excited (?), NOT SMOOTH, not manly
Dare is the bassist for the band Something Impossible. :D He's a senior of a public highschool in Boston, Massachusetts, and lives with his aunt. He gets super good grades and actually is pretty enthusiastic about school. :0 (Not "I LOVE SCHOOL!", but "Hey, school's not too bad. :D" and yeah...) His main goal in life is to enjoy living, possibly because he's seen people who don't appreciate the life they're given, and decides he should make the best of his life. Uh... yeah. Sorry if that doesn't make sense. xD OR IF IT SOUNDS CHEESY. IT'S NOT CHEESY IN HIS MIND. ;A;
Dare acts almost completely on impulse, which usually makes people think he's an idiot. xD; He's also super clumsy or "not smooth". x3
Dare finds importance in respecting adults. This is partly because he's a (subconcious) non-comformist. Since hardly any teenagers seem to respect adults and teachers, he tries to give adults the respect they deserve. Other kids sometimes misinterpret this as brown-nosing. He's really not being a brown-noser, though, he's just trying to be nice.
He's a fairly good kid... he listens to what his Aunt tells him to do, and is a general rule follower. He's a bit of a goody-two-shoes, but he just acts based on what he thinks is right. Dare blames his goody-goodyness on his friend Rick. xD Rick is an extremely nice guy, so I guess Rick just influenced him over time.
Dare loves music! :D His favorite genre of music is 90s music. xD;; And his favorite band is Matchbox 20. :D Although, he likes almost ALL music. Even rap. Even classical. Even bluegrass. Even... some other type of music. xD He thinks all musicians should get appreciation for what they write. 8D Obviously he likes certain music more than others, but he can tolerate all music. o3o Yeah.
While I'm on the topic of music, Dare plays the bass guitar and the oboe. The first instrument he played was the oboe, which he learned how to play in 5th grade in school. He's played it all through high school and is in the school's wind symphony. He started playing the bass when he was 12, and takes classes in school. He mostly taught himself, though. :0
Dare's best friend is Rick Stairwell. 8D Yeah. They met in 4th grade, when Rick moved to Boston from... somewhere. xD; They've been friends ever since. Dare is really close with Rick and his family, and visits them almost every day. They're kind of like family to Dare, almost like an Aunt/Uncle/Cousin relationship.
Dare looks out for Rick because he knows Rick can get pretty sad sometimes, and wants Rick to fully enjoy living. And yeah...
OH, and. Under his nicknames is "Secret D.A.R.E". This is because one day, Zack decides to dress up as a super hero and call himself "Secret Z". And Dare says sarcastically, "If you're 'Secret Z', then I'm 'Secret D.A.R.E."
So there.
...Well. enough of the easy stuff. Now I'm going to get into the complicated stuff about Dare.
Dare's parents are residents of London, England. Dare was also born in London, England. :D When he was born, his parents named him Oliver. His cousin Damian (who's 2 years older than him, btw) and Damian's mom (Dare's aunt) were present when Dare was born. When Damian was told that the baby's name was Oliver, he replied in saying "I wanted his name to be Darrel." ...but being the 2-year-old he was, he just pointed at Oliver/Dare and said "Daaahrrl. D:" And "Daaahrrl" sound a lot like "Dare", which is where Dare's nickname came from.
So then. 3 years passed by, and all is good. Until. Dare's parents are suffering from financial problems, and are having a difficult time taking care of Dare. (because they don't have enough money and stuff...)
Around the same time, Damian's parents divorce, and Damian's dad took custody of Damian.
So Damian's Mom/Dare's Aunt/Dare's Mom's sister offers to take care of Dare, being his legal guardian.
Dare's parents aren't completely keen on the idea, but they know it's the best thing for Dare since they're obviously having a hard time taking care of him.
So Dare's Aunt (who I'll call Auntie from now on) adopts Dare, and they move to Boston. (Auntie went to college in Boston, and has friend to help her out there, as well as provide her with a job.)
So. Dare moved to America when he was 3. He doesn't have an English accent, and Auntie's accent is very small. :)
Also. As Dare grew up in Boston, he never actually knew his name was Oliver. YOU SEE, Auntie... I guess... Registered his name as Dare instead of Oliver or something. .___. Not entirely sure if that's possible, but... yeah. That's what happened.
Also not entirely sure why she didn't put his name as Oliver. ._.; IT'S A MYSTERY!!
I think that's all. I might add more when I think of something, but maybe not.
I'm working on a short, 4-page comic... so here's a sketch of the first page.
It didn't fit in my scanner very well... but I'll get it to fit when I finish it. o3o
Oh yeah, I also replaced the main dialouge with computer text instead of my handwritten stuff. Anything that's handwritten will be erased in the final. :D Yay.
I'll re-draw it... probably...