Planning for stories and stuff.
Word, dawg.
note: this intro hasn't been thoroughly updated in a couple years
This is a world I made mostly for my own use, but I made it a public world anyways. I'll be posting things about story outlines, my characters, my comics (including fan comics), WIPs, ect... It's pretty much a world where I can store information and/or plan things. xD
Below are short descriptions of my stories to help you know what's going on. xD It also shows which characters are in which story, along with their extended profile if I have one made. Some stories aren't mentioned because I don't work on/think about them often. Therefore, not all of my characters are mentioned.
The link leads to the fan comic in my portfolio. If there isn't a link, there isn't a comic yet.
*Rock Band: Something Impossible: The story of a Rock Band and their adventures in music business.
Major Characters: Michka, Zack, Loyal, Dare, Rick
Important/Frequently Mentioned Supporting Characters: Damian, Tim, Dare's Aunt aka Auntie
*Of Fruits and Vegetables: 4-panel comics of the life of a 21-year-old model and his friends/workmates.
Major Characters: Tomato, Stefan, Tomato's Boyfriend aka "TB", Gabe, Janet aka Jo, Kasey, Dean
Important Supporting Characters: Danny, Leah, Mick
*Dreams: The story of a rich and pampered English boy who gets transported to the mysterious town of Dreams, and his adventures there.
Major Characters: Alcott, Luli, Ms. Marigold
Important Supporting Characters: Shinitsu, Annabelle, and others that are to be decided.
**Annabelle's and Ms. Marigold's profiles are in the same post.**
Story Dialogues: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1
*My Dear Princess: The story of an orphan child, a princess, and friends who's home country's peace is threataned by the evil prince of a country that was thought to be nonexistant. (CONFUSING. xD)
Major Characters: Isaac, Charlotte, Rinchu, Segran, Lucia, Nicholay, Faida, Hrafn, Falorin, Gaelnis
Important Supporting Characters: To be decided.
*Foreigner: An alien boy sent to Earth to destroy the human race finds himself in Los Angeles California, befriends a human girl, and gets involved in crazy advetures.
Major Characters: Kor, Gliding Eagle
Important Supporting Characters: Michelle, Dailen
*A Life Like This: A written story in the perspectives of Dare, Tim, and Rick.
Major Characters: Tim, Dare, Rick, Ms. Ackart
Important Supporting Characters: See characters for Rock Band: Something Impossible.
Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
*Teach Me Something Good: A story about a friendship between a student and a teacher. Somewhat of a spin-off of Of Fruits and Vegetables.
Major Characters: Noland, Chrystal
Important Supporting Characters: Prudence), Stefan (briefly)
*I Was a Boy, Too: A short 3-part story about Gabe when he was in high school. Optional backstory related to Of Fruits and Vegetables.
Major Characters: Gabe, William
Important Supporting Characters: DJ, Dave
Parts: One
*Nerdy and Jock: So there's this nerd, and this jock, and also they're boyfriends. That's it.
Major Characters: Jack, Ned
Important supporting characters: Matthew Brodney III, Dmitri, Charlotte, Jessica Marron, Lafayette, Brodney's girlfriend who doesn't have a name yet;;;
*The Adventures of Marth and Roy: Super Smash Brothers fan comic. Title is pretty self-explanitory.
Major Characters: Marth, Roy, Ike, Pit
I don't have a name for his story, but Jamal is a Kingdom Hearts fan character. I figured I'd mention him because I draw him often enough.
Also, if you want to find posts that feature a specific character, type in the URL[character name]. For example, will bring you to posts about Dare. :)
Enjoy Your Stay at Various Planning!
WOO haven't done one of these in a while. Not since, like... Noland, two years ago. (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT'S BEEN TWO YEARS...???)
Anyway, here's a profile for a new character that might appear in Nerdy and Jock. I'll post some pics of him at the end.
Name: Lafayette (unknown if this is his real name, or one he came up with himself)
Nicknames: Laf (pronounced "loff" not "laugh") (Only by Dmitri)
Age: 16
Gender: Non-binary/indifferent, uses whatever pronouns. (Most people use “they,” Dmitri uses “she,” and I use “he.”)
Height: 5’2
Skills: Acting
Hobbies: Acting
Profession(s): Student
Likes: Acting/drama club
Dislikes: School
Love Interest: None. (Sometimes expresses some degree of affection/attachment to Dmitri.)
Sexual Orientation: Asexual aromantic, willing to be in a relationship for companionship sake
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Reaches chin
Eye Color: Black
General Appearance: A short and slim individual, with a youthful disposition. Has thick, wavy black hair that covers his forehead. Wears thick-rimmed glasses. Is often scowling. Has a mole under his left eye. Eyes have bottom-lid lashes.
Relationship with Friends: Because he’s difficult to handle, people tend to distance themselves from him. His friends care about him, but can only deal with him for short periods of time before he exhausts them. Dmitri’s the only one accustomed to hanging out with him in extensively.
Key Friends: Dmitri
Educational History: High school junior
Phobias / Fears: None, but he generally doesn’t like being touched.
Bad Habits / Vices: Tends to disregard how other people are thinking; often responds to situations with more emotion than necessary
Best Qualities: Creative and spontaneous
Worst Qualities: Apathetic and rude
Key Childhood Experiences: Childhood friends with Dmitri
Style of Speech: Somewhat grandiose, but also crude and often filled with expletives
Personality: Self-inflated, chaotic and unpredictable, excessive with emotional expression, neutrally looks annoyed as if he's looking at something unpleasant
Idk how to get into these profiles, anymore. To start here's a personality blurb I put on my (still under construction) character weebly:
Lafayette is a pretentious and bombastic individual, with too much emotion for his own good. His default expression is bitter annoyance, making him appear difficult to approach. He also responds to everything in extremities, which can be exhausting for the people around him.
A passionate actor. Has complete confidence in himself, makes it clear to those around him that he thinks himself better than others. Doesn’t care about academics at all (and as a result, his grades are horrendous.)
Excessively extroverted, will enter a conversation on his own accord, even if it is socially uncalled for. Has complete disrespect for social conventions, and does not give a single care about what others think of him. He tends to have a draining effect on people, except Dmitri.
His somewhat chaotic personality makes him difficult to handle.
Idk why I suddenly switch from complete sentences to sentence fragments partway through. UH. BUT YEAH! New character! For Nerdy and Jock! I promise he'll be the last character for the series, haha... (I WASN'T PLANNING ON HAVING SO MANY CHARACTERS FOR IT, WEH.) Also, idk why he's the only one I'm making a profile for. I'LL GET AROUND TO NED AND JACK, TOO...
So anyway. Lafayette! He's a high school junior like everyone else, and a member of the Drama club. While most of the cast stems from Ned and Jack's friendships, Lafayette is friends with Dmitri. (THIS GUY. He also appears in this slightly rude comic HERE, which I didn't post to theOtaku, haha.)
Yeah, I'm kind of at a loss at what to say here... Dmitri and Lafayette have know each other since elementary school, but around high school-ish Dmitri started hanging out more with his football friends, and Lafayette joined the drama club. Lafayette doesn't really have any other close friends besides Dmitri; he's pretty high strung, so it's kind of hard for people to maintain friendships with him. He's more calm than usual when he's on his own with Dmitri, though.
Lafayette's probably my only explicitly non-binary character... Tomato counts to some degree, because he's fine with any pronoun and has Klinefelter's, but I feel that for the most part he's male. I've been kind of shying away from making NB characters, 'cause I don't want to have a NB character just for the sake of having a NB character. Idk, it wasn't sitting well with me. But I'm feel pretty confident that I should make Lafayette NB.
Like I said in the above list-y part of his profile, most people use "they" or other gender neutral pronouns to refer to Lafayette, while Dmitri uses "she." His attitude toward gender is that he doesn't care/mind what people think of him. So someone can think of him as NB, a girl, a boy, whatever it's all kool 4 skool.
I use "he" and stuff just 'cause it's easier for me to think about him, that way... IDK WHY I'M SO BAD TO MY GIRL CHARACTERS! IT'S SO HARD FOR ME TO THINK ABOUT THEM AND COME UP WITH STUFF FOR THEM...!!! I'm just trying to curb that bad habit of mine. "orz
Oh, along the same line of thought (though I guess it's a bit taboo to talk about, sorry), Lafayette's birth sex is undetermined. HONESTLY... I JUST DON'T KNOW...?? I'm not really planning for it to ever come up in the comics. JUST... INTERPRET THINGS HOWEVER YOU WANT, I DON'T CARE HAHA.
It's possible that Dmitri has A CRUSH...??? ON LAFAYETTE? I'm STILL NOT ENTIRELY SURE, 'cause my original plan was to pair him off with Jessica. And it's still cannon that Dmitri has feelings for Jessica. But idk. I'll figure it out.
Also Dmitri's crush on Lafayette isn't like BL or anything; Dmitri's straight and considers Lafayette a girl.
BUT UH, ON THE TOPIC OF ROMANCE! Lafayette's also aromantic asexual, bruh. He's not really interested in being in a relationship, and doesn't have any desire to kiss/cuddle/have sex with people; although, it's not exactly like he has an aversion for those things, it's just he's really indifferent toward them when they concern himself. I said in the above list-y blob that he generally doesn't like to be touched--it's because it's annoying, but it's not really that it makes him uncomfortable, I guess.
He doesn't have a crush on Dmitri, but he does think of Dmitri as the closest person to him.
Uh, what else can I say... idk if Lafayette is his real name, or just one he chose himself... for me, I chose the name “Lafayette” because even though it’s technically a masculine name, it ends in “ette” which is generally perceived as feminine. So that was cool, or something. I have such a bad habit of giving people the most generic names possible (GABE, DEAN, JACK, NED........ TOMATO), so I kind of like how over the top Lafayette's name is. Which he likes, too.
Also, he’s not a tsundere (unlike Dmitri, Wybert, Stefan, etc.......) HE'S JUST A NATURALLY ANNOYED INDIVIDUAL, NO DERE UNDERNEATH AHAHA...
I FEEL LIKE... I'M DOING A REALLY BAD JOB OF TALKING HERE, HAHAHA. So I'mma just stop here and post some pics of him.

IDK... THIS PICTURE... I feel like the one I posted HERE is somewhat of a better representation of him, but this one works, too.
There's also this one:

His hair looks so simple... but it's weirdly hard for me to get a balance for... IDK WHAT IT IS! IT'S JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHER POOFY HAIRSTYLES I DRAW...
Wow, profile time! I haven't done this in forever. This one's for my semi-new character, Noland.
It's pretty late right now (12:30 AM), but I'll just post this up anyway. 8D
Name: Noland Strong
Nicknames: Mr. Strong, Mr. S, Strong (by his students), Nole, Noelle (by Chrystal on one or two occasions)
Age: 33 (He's the same age as Stefan, but his story takes place 3 years after the events in OFAV.)
Birthday: TBD
Gender: Male
Height: Around 5'9
Special Talent: Analyzing literature and academics; moderate physical strength; empathy
Hobbies: Reading literature, poetry, and essays
Profession(s): High school English teacher
Birthplace: TBD/Unknown
Current Residence: I don't state specifically where he lives, but he lives in a suburban area near his old college.
Likes: Poetry and literature, movies, art
Dislikes: TBD
Love Interest: Stefan; later Chrystal but their relationship never goes beyond friendship
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (Kinsey scale 2)
Hair Color: Light brown
Hair Length: Short, just above the earlobe
Eye Color: Light blue
Jewelry: None; sometimes may wear a watch, if that counts
General Appearance: Moderately tall with a fair build. I draw his face more rectangular than most of my other characters. Wears wire-rimmed glasses. Has a fatherly appeal about him, despite being a bachelor. Has somewhat timid mannerisms, contrasting with his more masculine build.
Relationship with Family: Unknown; assumed he is distant from his family, considering he doesn't contact them often.
Key Family / Relatives: Unknown.
Relationship with Friends: (Present timeline) Chrystal-Initially is toyed with by her, but eventually is comfortable talking with her on a personal level despite being her teacher. His Adviser/workmate (unnamed atm)-he looks up to her and confides in her information he can't share with Chrystal, but sees her strictly as a friend. (College timeline) Stefan-Falls in love with him and is comfortable speaking with him, but has a habit of keeping secrets from him. Other college friends-Tends to let them push him around; goes along with what they say.
Key Friends: (College) Stefan. (Present) Chrystal, his adviser
Key Enemies: Another student of his (unnamed atm)
Educational History: Masters degree in English, or something like that.
Phobias / Fears: Being hated
Bad Habits / Vices: Tends to keep secrets, tends to be a follower rather than thinking for himself, has a smoking habit
Emotional Problems: Self-pitying and insecure
Best Qualities: Gentle-hearted and empathetic
Worst Qualities: Weak willed
Key Childhood Experiences: None; he has some back story for when he was in college, though. I'll get into that later, though.
Personal Goals: To apologize to Stefan, to be seen as what he considers normal
Professional Goals: Not to lose his job, I suppose? He doesn't have any goals to progress forward in his teaching career.
Style of Speech: Soft spoken with careful articulation; moderately formal with most everyone he talks to.
Personality: A kind guy, but meek and horribly weak willed. Easily talked into things he doesn't believe in. Desires acceptance. Very much a follower. Self pitying. (I already mentioned most of that in the rest of the profile, huh? xD;)
I feel like Noland is kind of a controversial character, but I personally don't see him as a necessarily bad person. Anyway, most of Noland's story isn't a very happy one, so if you find Noland to be a bad person... well, some of it comes back to bite him, I guess.
...I haven't done one of these profiles in a while, so I guess I can start with what Noland and his life were like in college (backstory, essentially; sorry that it's long), then move into his present timeline when he's in his 30's, then general stuff. This'll probably be a very unorganized profile... xD;;;;
Noland is Stefan's ex-boyfriend from college. I haven't mentioned it much until recently, but Stefan has had 2 girlfriends and 1 boyfriend in the past. So Noland is the only other boy that Stefan's been in a relationship with besides Gabe. But anyway, Noland and Stefan befriend in their senior year of college. They both have similar interests (literature, similar taste in TV shows, etc...), so they quickly become close to each other. Out of his friends, Noland is closest to Stefan; Noland's other friends have a tendency to unintentionally push him around simply because of Noland's pushover-like nature. (Weird sentence;;;) Noland sees Stefan as a slightly haughty, but extremely intelligent man with a soft side. He somewhat idolizes Stefan for his ability to have a strong hold on his own opinions. Over time he realizes that he has romantic feelings toward Stefan; he is the first man that Noland has a crush on that Noland knows personally (as in, not actors/etc).
Because they're fairly close, Stefan picks up that Noland is bisexual; they both come out to each other upon Stefan's inquiry. Similarly, Noland confesses to Stefan; the two of them begin dating some time after. While Stefan is pretty comfortable with letting others understand his orientation, Noland feels insecure about publicly being in a homosexual relationship. For example, Stefan is quick to brush off any gossip or rude remarks made about the two of them, while Noland lets the gossip sink in and trouble him. Furthermore, the two are frequently teased by their friends. In reality they only mean good-natured (albeit annoying) banter, but Noland takes their teasing negatively. His reasoning is that if he was with a girl he wouldn't be hearing any teasing at all, so any teasing is negative teasing. (another weird sentence. .____.) Comparative to other situations, Noland doesn't really receive much negativity from his peers about dating Stefan, but he has a bit of a complex about being accepted by everyone--even people he doesn't know.
Eventually, Noland's insecurities with breaking away from the social norm by being in a same-sex relationship increase to a point that drives him to cheat on Stefan. A combination of off-hand comments by his peers ("You're going to break up with him eventually, aren't you?") and getting involved in the situation of a female classmate of his, Noland engages in an affair. I'm not entirely sure yet, but the affair lasts for about 2 weeks to a month. During this time, he's stressed around both Stefan and the girl he's cheating with (Sorry for the lack of name. xD;), and feels guilty almost all the time.
Inevitably, Stefan does find out that Noland's cheating. Even though Stefan seems willing to make up with Noland, Noland thinks it's best for the two of them to break up and officially ends their relationship. The two of them don't speak to each other for the rest of the school year, and they graduate without fully resolving the conflict.
Out of the two of them, I'd say that Noland is emotionally more effected by his cheating and their break up than Stefan. Obviously it has a fairly big effect on Stefan if you know about Stefan's aversion to romance. But Noland has the guilt of never being able to take away what he did. Even after they graduate, Noland still has feelings for Stefan and the regret of never apologizing to Stefan still brings him anxiety into his present-time story line.
Originally, I had wanted Stefan's ex to be some sort of cool guy or player, because I had decided quite some time ago that Stefan had been cheated on. I thought it'd be reasonable that a loose guy or jerk guy would cheat on someone. But it kept coming back to "Why would Stefan go out with a guy like that?" So I created someone that seemed like he would associate with Stefan, and the rest of it started to fall into place.
The situation I made with Noland ended up being this: Not all people who cheat on other people are jerks or manipulative people; sometimes they're ordinary people who make a big mistake. Now, I'm in no way saying that it's okay to cheat or that if someone cheats on you that you should automatically forgive them. I just wanted to have a story from the perspective of the cheater, rather than the one being cheated on, and explore what kind of impact the situation has on the cheater afterword.
Eventually, Noland does reconcile with Stefan when he's 33. Noland works at a school near his and Stefan's old college, and runs into him (and Gabe) by chance at a restaurant they used to eat at. The event is essentially the three of them talking over drinks, ending with this (sketchily drawn) event that I posted a couple posts earlier. SO YAY, I GUESS?
ANYWAYS, that's Noland's backstory and events with Stefan. Normally I don't like to type out big summaries like that (or do I? xD;;;)... but I felt if I just kept it as "Stef's ex boyfriend who cheated on him" without any reasons, Noland would just be this weirdo jerk to everyone. Not that reasons are an excuse to cheat on someone, but...
AHEM. The rest of this should be shorter, since I won't be revealing everything. So, after college Noland becomes a teacher! His ongoing story follows his first year teaching at a public high school, 11 years after breaking up with Stefan. Here, he befriends another English teacher who considers herself to be Noland's adviser, and a slacker student of his named Chrystal.
Chrystal is one of Noland's students and eventual friend. (she's on the right of that one picture I posted.) Because she frequently disrespects him and fails to follow instructions, he often has to keep her after class to discuss with her her poor behavior. Partially because he keeps her after class so often and partially because she goes out of her way to talk to/bug him, the two of them become (sort of unusual) friends. The two of them become comfortable around each other enough that Noland can talk to her about personal matters (his past with Stefan) and his views on life/etc.
To Noland's dismay, he develops feelings for Chrystal--those of which are somewhere between a romantic crush and fatherly emotions. Initially he tries to deny that he has feelings for her at all, but eventually settles for simply ignoring them. Noland never tells Chrystal that he has feelings for her, nor does he try to be involved romantically with her. Sometimes he thinks that Chrys is aware of his feelings, but he's not entirely sure if she's just messing with him.
I know that TeacherxStudent relationships are pretty creepy (to most people? xD), and that's not what Noland and Chrystal is supposed to be. Instead, it's that Noland knows he has romantic inclinations towards Chrystal but chooses not to pursue his emotions because of Chrys's age and lack of maturity. In my mind, Noland remains a bachelor forever and does not pursue any romantic relationships after developing feelings for Chrystal.
I don't really have a clear direction for Chrys's and Noland's story yet so much as a couple of scenes/events, but idk. I'll get around to doing something with it eventually. I know what one plot twist/climax point of the story is going to be, but I don't want to let that one out of the bag yet. SO THERE!
And here's some random fun facts!
- Noland and Dean are similar characters, but I made them different in that Noland is self-pitying while Dean is optimistic.
- Noland and Dean have the same eye color! This just acts as a physical connection between the two characters. They're in no way related story-wise, except in personality.
- Noland was originally going to be mysteriously foreign! Idk what that means... Turkish, or something. This is when I wanted him to be a mysterious and cool guy, so I thought him being European would make him more mysterious. (???)
- Noland is like my only character with short hair! Aha.... .___.
- Originally, Noland was just going to be Stefan's ex. I had already been thinking about a story between a shy male student and an eccentric female student, so I decided to replace the shy male student with Noland to make it more interesting.
- Noland's last name is a joke! He's easily walked over by other people, making him not very strong at all. HAHA. Hilarious.
I can't think of anything else coherent to say, so.... YEAH! The end of this profile, I guess.
SORRY FOR IT'S RIDICULOUSLY LONG SIZE... I forgot how humongous these profiles can be.
Since I just uploaded a picture of him, I'm going to post Danny's extended profile. :m
**OFAV characters have some information missing from the top part of the profile because such information is irrelevent**
Name: Daniel
Nicknames: Danny, Danny-boy (by Gabe or Jo, on occasion)
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7
Special Talent: Baking, has good fashion sense
Hobbies: Hanging out with Gabe or Jo, eating candy (?!?!?), shopping, going into stores but not buying anything
Profession(s): Coffee shop clerk
Current Residence: Paris, France
Likes: Candy and sweet food, fashion shows, city life, caramel flavored coffee, black and white clothing
Dislikes: Vegetables, dentists, orthodontists, braces, retainers, cavities, when someone doesn’t tell him something
Love Interest: Gabe; later Jo
Sexual Orientation: Thought to be homosexual, but is actually bisexual
Hair Color: Dark brown
Hair Length: Short and spiked
Eye Color: His eyes are naturally brown, but he thinks that’s boring so he wears purple contacts. (But he also wears glasses... what? xD)
Jewelry: One piercing on each ear, likes to wear rings and wristbands
Key Friends: Gabe, Jo, slightly Stefan and Dean (Actually I wrote this a while ago, and I can’t remember what conversations he has with Dean…. >3>)
Key Enemies: None, but considered Stefan a rival at one point
Phobias / Fears: Cockroaches
Bad Habits / Vices: Snide at times, nosy
Best Qualities: Easily converses with people
Worst Qualities: Complains a lot
Personal Goals: TO GET THOSE HORMONES UNDER CONTROL, BOYYYY. Okay, not really. Uh. Well, he’d like to confess to Jo someday I guess…
Professional Goals: He doesn’t care, he just wants money.
Style of Speech: Like, totally girly! But not quite as girly as Tomato.
Personality: Energetic and emotive, but selfish; stubborn; seemingly arrogant, but can be quite bashful; needs to be constantly entertained.
(By the way, a lot of this probably won’t come up in OFAV… xD;;;;;;)
Yeah… Danny. I think I made him because I wanted to draw a very childish and immature character. Tomato is pretty immature, but he’s almost a different kind of immature… I guess. xD Danny’s an energetic boy who gets bored very easily. When he’s bored, he has a tendency to complain a lot. He acts proud and cutesy, but he can also be a bit snarky (I think that’s the word? xD) and mean. He finds hilarity in making fun of people he doesn’t know. Even though he acts like he’s all that, he’s actually easily embarrassed.
So. Danny is a 24-year-old... something. I’m leaning toward guy-who-works-at-a-coffee-shop. xD His parents are fashion designers, so he has an interest in fashion, and designs clothes in his free time. He can’t sew, so his clothes usually just stay sketches. More than designing clothes, he likes window shopping at really expensive stores that he can’t afford to buy from.
He loves candy and anything sweet. :B But he has bad oral hygiene, so his teeth are terrible. He has multiple fillings and is supposed to wear a retainer. (But he doesn’t…) The reason I decided on this is because I used to want to draw him with a gap in his teeth when he smiles. xD; Like this:

But I probably won't draw him like that.
He also has a knack for baking. :9 Yum.
While Danny and his parents don’t always see eye to eye, he’s very close to them. This is because he has only recently been living on his own; in college, he commuted from college to his parents’ house. Danny met Gabe through his parents. Like I said before, his parents are designers. They designed some clothing for Tomato, and were at the photo shoot when Tomato was modeling the clothes. Danny came along too, and met Gabe there (since Gabe’s Tomato’s hair stylist). Gabe, being the flirt that he is, pulled his moves on Danny. (what) Danny wasn’t incompliant, though… Aha. -u-; And that’s how their friendship (?) began. They are real friends, though. I mean, their relationship isn’t totally physical… but I’d say a fairly large portion of it is. .3.
On a side note, Gabe is the only boy that Danny fools around with, but Gabe has multiple lovers. (orz) But it’s not like Gabe keeps his friends a secret from each other, he’s pretty open about it. GABE IS JUST… RATHER PROMISCUOUS…
But enough about Gabe. Danny ends up falling in love with Gabe because yeah. He initially was going to confess to Gabe formally, but he suspected Gabe liked Stefan so Danny kind of lost hope in Gabe. He gives up the idea of him and Gabe being in a formal relationship when Gabe tells him he likes Stef. For a while Danny does consider Stefan his rival, but he knows that Gabe only thinks of Danny as a friend and doesn’t stand a chance against Stef. (Or something like that, idk.) In the end, he tries to encourage Stef and Gabe to go out with each other. Aha. WHAT IS THIS OVERLY-ROMANTIC STORY…
After Danny’s feelings move on from Gabe, he ends up developing feelings for Gabe’s sister Jo. The initial reason is because she kind of looks and acts like Gabe. When Danny realizes he’s crushing on Jo, he kind of freaks out because he’s never been attracted to a girl before. He also doesn’t know if he should confess to Jo because she thinks he’s gay and she’s told him that she’s not really into romance. He also hates how she’s taller than him. Haha. BUT HE GETS OVER IT.
Isn’t that right, Danny.
DannyxJo is like… one of two straight couples in OFAV. Or three-ish. The other two are DeanxLeah and MickxLeah… BUT I’M NOT TALKING ABOUT THAT. Read Dean’s profile if you’re interested in that.
UM… I guess that’s all I have to say about Danny. If I think of anything else, I’ll add it.
*Updated 4/21/12*
I should do one of Jo, shouldn't I... >3>
**OFAV characters have some information missing from the top part of the profile because such information is irrelevent**
Name: Janet
Nicknames: Jo (by everyone), Boob Woman (????) (by Gabe), Sis/etc... (by Gabe)
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8
Special Talent: Make-up art, cleaning things
Hobbies: Shopping, sleeping, hanging out with Kasey, annoying Gabe, going to night clubs (...?)
Profession(s): Personal make-up artist for Tomato
Current Residence: Paris, France
Likes: Puppies, movies, clothes
Dislikes: Messy rooms, slobs, bratty girls
Love Intrest: Initially Kasey; For a majority of the time, none; Later, Danny
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Hair Color: Naturally blonde, dyed platinum blonde with pink tips
Hair Length: Short, above mid-neck
Eye Color: Brown
Jewelry: Three piercings on each ear, painted nails, usually wears various bracelets and/or necklaces
General Appearance: Tall, skinny, busty girl who wears a fair amout of make-up
Key Family / Relatives: Gabe (brother)
Key Friends: Kasey, Danny
Educational History: Graduated from high school, probably took classes on make-up (if those exist...?)
Bad Habits / Vices: Lazy
Best Qualities: Unbiased and non-judgemental
Worst Qualities: Lazy, sarcastic
Personal Goals: Live (??)
Professional Goals: Do make-up stuff
Style of Speech: Easygoing, but blunt
Personality: Sarcastic, carefree, lazy, independent, chill, non-judgemental to those with hardships, a little snide to the self-centered priviledged, can be crude at times, nosy
Jo is Gabe's sister and Tomato's make-up artist. She's best friends with Kasey, who she met either in high school or community college. (Idk which one, it doesn't matter.) Jo is not unlike her brother in that she's sarcastic and likes to joke around, but she is not very flirtatious or rude. Basically, she's just a really chill girl who does what she feels like.
Jo's real name is Janet, but decided in high school that she hated her name. She likes being called Jo because it's not as girly as Janet. Jo is not a girly-girl and dislikes high-class girls who think they're all that.
Jo is pretty girly because of her interest in clothes and make-up, but she doesn't wear dresses and only occasionally wears skirts. (When she wears skirts, it's usually a skirt-legging combo.) (?)
People often assume Jo is a bit of a uh.... floozy? (/avoiding using rude words) Because she wears revealing clothing. She's really not like that all; she just doesn't give a care about what she wears. She also doesn't care what people think about her. She has a very "I don't give a crap" kind of way of thinking. :0
Jo and Gabe are pretty close as siblings, but they do fight frequently. They have a different set of morals. :m Jo also can't stand how sloppy Gabe is, and doesn't like to stay over at his apartment. Jo usually listens to Gabe talk about Stefan, not because she's concerned with their relationship, but because it's entertaining. She thinks her brother is an idiot. (...which he is. xD;)
Jo's best friend is Kasey, which is really odd because they act so differently. Somehow, they connect on a lot of things and can talk for hours. Jo used to have a crush on Kasey, but gave up on her because Kasey is as straight as they come. Jo doesn't care much for romance, but she finds other peoples' romance interesting.
Although, Jo later falls for Danny. She's aware for a while that Danny is crushing on her despite his efforts to continue being gay. She teases him by doing things that would normally (sort of. xD;) be okay between a girl and her gay male friend, but would be awkward between a girl and a boy who likes girls.
That sentence made no sense....
Because I know how much you gus love these things. :,D
**Characters in OFAV may have some information missing from the top questionnaire-looking thing. Yeah.**
Name: Dean Johnson
Nicknames: Dean?
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8
Special Talent: Following orders
Hobbies: Doing whatever Jo, Kasey, Gabe, Tomato, and Stefan tell him to do
Profession(s): Hair style assistant/make-up assistant
Current Residence: Paris, France
Likes: Leah
Dislikes: Mick
Love Interest: Leah
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Close to shoulders
Eye Color: Turquoise
Relationship with Friends: He's teased often by the OFAV cast; TB listens to what's on his mind; Leah is kind to him
Key Friends: TB, Leah
Key Enemies: Mick
Educational History: Graduated from high school
Phobias / Fears: Public speaking, talking to people (almost a anthropophobe)
Bad Habits / Vices: Extremely quiet and awkward
Best Qualities: Follows instructions
Worst Qualities: Lacks self confidence
Emotional Problems: Low self-esteem
Personal Goals: Become closer to Leah
Style of Speech: Very awkward at first with lots of stuttering, but he talks with moderate intellect when he's more comfortable
Personality: Submissive, shy, awkward, constanly nervous and worried, obedient
Oh, Dean... He's actually one of my favorites in OFAV, because he's not as superficial as a lot of the rest of the cast. He's also really fun to draw. :D But I have my friend to thank for that. She gave him a physical design, and I came up with the name and personality.
Anyways, Dean Johnson is the "hair assistant/make-up assistant/wardrobe supervisor" from Tomato's hair-and-make-up team. Basically, this means he does all the grunt work, and everyone just orders him around. (To tell you the truth, I totally made up that title. xD;) He's very obedient and does everything he's told with little to no question. This makes him a very good worker, but he gets little respect from the rest of the team because of his awkward disposition. He doesn't stand up for himself, so he's teased frequently (usually by Gabe or Jo, but the others will also tease him from time to time). When he's not being teased, he's usually ignored. A running theme in OFAV is that no one seems to notice him or pay attention to what he says.
Dean is possibly the most intellegent and creative (in the sense of photographic and clothing design) character of the bunch, but his extreme shyness (which nears on anthropophobia) restricts his intellengence from being known. The only characters who know of Dean's talents are TB, who he later befriends, and Leah, his crush.
Dean's crush, Leah, has a boyfriend, Mick. Dean has made it an inner goal to win Leah over, and sees Mick as his rival. Because Dean has little confidence in himself, he regards sweeping Leah off her feet as a far away fantasy. He shows dislike towards Mick, which is unusual because Dean rarely outwardly dislikes anyone.
Despite his worry-prone and nervous exterior, Dean has a relatively optomistic outlook on life, and rarely dwells on other peoples' wrongdoings. He usually looks on the brightside, especially in extremely unfortunate situations that usually regard himself. (He has an "It could have been worse" type of attitude.)
Even though he's the most ignored character, he's the only character in the main cast to have a last name.