Writing introductions is a bit tedious so....just take a look at my first post if you want to know more....

....and if you get curious about the name of this World or my posts, check out the second one.

Memories in the Rain 2, op.2: Longing for Sanctuary

The child of the sun is drowning.

It's cold here, it's cold and it's wet and it's dark. Sounds like Forks, Washington to me. A girl from Phoenix was never intended to live in a place like that. And a girl from Florida was never intended to be in a place like this. Seriously, we can't hold up against it without, without.......something.......

I went back to my dreamland today. Elementary school. It wasn't one of my favorites though, or even one I particularly liked and maybe because of that every so often when a teacher was talking I'd tune out just like at jr high. I'd drift off for just a minute into Bella & Edward land. So I spent the whole day floating. Not that floating is a bad thing really, it's just.......

Anyway, I don't suppose any of this really helps my already vampiric tendencies. Apparently they're more apparent to others than I'd realized too. My adopted twin said just the other day, "If you're going to kill me in my sleep, just turn me into a vampire instead."

Maybe he was joking.....

I'm currently handicapping the odds on finishing 3 books in one weekend. That's obsession. I'm also contemplating printing out a few chapters (on the back of old lesson plans of course, waste not want not!) & taking them to work tomorrow. I hope it keeps raining. That way when I do finish it all & crash into the post-story emptiness face first it won't feel quite so foolish.
