Blazing Souls

Sometimes I think about making a post......but then I just don't. I think it's b/c I feel like I only have one thing to say. Like, seriously, one sentence.

So, recently I've been thinking about being creative. Sure, I can draw. Lots of people can draw. So what? It doesn't mean they want to create things. I've always wanted to. It's one of those things that I somehow forgot is different about me. I forgot that most "regular" people don't sit around thinking about how they can make something, or what they're going to make next, or even that they might like to make something.

I like people who can create things. I forgot that too. Or rather I transformed that into "people I like are creative like me" by accident. Not all of them are. Not all of them are dissatisfied with just living. It's strange to me.

For the past 6 months or so my "twin" and I have been working on a DVD to be used in the elementary schools in our city. We had some help from the other people we work with, but it was all from my ideas & he did all of the computer editing. We finished and sent it out on Monday. We were super proud of ourselves. At the same time we decided to send out a quick survey. In order to see what else we could do to help people now that this project was finished.

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I'm not going to do what I did back in 2005 again (my dear, dear myOtaku blog of that time is now long gone) but, let's just say life's a bitch sometimes. Long story short, neither of us is going to be interested in helping people for a LOOOOONG time after today.

"...three cheers for tyranny, unapologetic apathy..."

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You knew it all along, right?

I did.

When did you go back to living for someone else's sake?
You promised you wouldn't.

I know.

You broke your promise.

I know.

What a waste.

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"...The world you live in is a world in which only those who can find their own way ahead are allowed to survive..."
