The Pride

A while ago I posted this piece of fanart. I finally got to see "Tori-chan" again last weekend to give it to her. She wrote about the event on her blog. Go ahead. Click it. And scroll down. Yeah, that's my Kakashi drawing there w/the chocolates (the ones in the light pink box are the ones I gave her.) If you don't read Japanese & are wondering, most of the entry just describes her day at the event. About the 6th paragraph down it talks about me, and says that she's never gotten that kind of present before and how she was really happy about it. Because I'm just that awesome.

She's drawn Kakashi for me before, and did Iruka this time, but I don't have photos of them. Or rather, I didn't take photos of them. The drawings in that sketchbook aren't for sharing. They're just for me, not for internet pirates. But she also gave me the snacks (the bag that says "Kittyland") in the bottom right of this photo...

External Image

...the other stuff (chocolate & a freezer pack) was door prizes at the event. This might have been my favorite one yet.
