Conflictable Composition

My otaku personality is getting the better of me again. When I first got my DS I played Final Fantasy III obsessively. On the bus, on the train, on my friends' doorsteps, till 2 or 3 am on weeknights and 7 or 8 or 11 am on Saturday and Sunday. It's nothing new, I've always been that way when a particular story catches my fancy. Unfortunately, this time, like when it was Harry Potter 6 years ago, it's a story I said I didn't want to get involved with. However, again like the little British wizard boy, it's a book. A series of books to be exact.

Books were my first love as a child. My first home. I wasn't allowed to watch much TV, and we didn't have cable anyway so it was the math show on PBS for half an hour a day and then I had to entertain myself. Being not especially athletic I tended toward indoor activities. I also learned really quickly that what was written in the book wasn't necessarily all that was happening in the lives of the people it was written about. I've always had an overactive imagination.

Even more than imagining their lives, I've always had a habit of relating myself to characters in books. To the point that I subconsciously become like them in certain ways while I'm obsessing over any particular one. Some people might call it escapism....

So it's happening again. I can't help it. I've always liked vampires, and seriously, that girl is just like me. I refuse however, to watch the movie. The actors look NOTHING like the way they're supposed to. Thus there is no picture of Twilight to accompany this post, as I'm opposed to even searching for them & having to sift through all of the movie poster hype.

On a side note, I'm staring at the ad on the side of this posting page and I can't help but think there's something wrong with it. It says:
Misplaced capitalization aside, how can something be called the COMPLETE collection if it comes in PARTS? Oh, and if anyone tells that I'm reading such a stupid, teenage, girly book, I will kill them in their sleep!!!!
