Seen a Waffle Lurking About theOtaku Lately?

Never Fear! For This Waffle is Here to

Soothe the Wounded Soul.

| Kingdom Hearts Recap Master Post |
| Adventures of Action!Axel |


So being the good Squeenix whore that I am, I did go out and preorder Crisis Core and brought it home like a proud geek I am.

But why the Hello Kitty is there a Brave New World reference in my beloved Final Fantasy. No! I don't want to give soma to Zack. You can even buy it at the shop! Shinra giving employee's soma? Too triptastic for me, thanks.

(Also, CC should only be bought by FF freaks like me. You'll get nothing out of it, as much as it pains me to say. Really, the story is what makes this worth playing, and only Squeenix whores like me would buy a game for a story. Also, I like Zack 1st hairstyle better... the new one still creeps me out.)
