Seen a Waffle Lurking About theOtaku Lately?

Never Fear! For This Waffle is Here to

Soothe the Wounded Soul.

| Kingdom Hearts Recap Master Post |
| Adventures of Action!Axel |

Fable Rant pt. 2

What have I done to him? I've had him for like, three days and already I've scarred him for life! Poor Mr. Hero, not even in his 30s and already all messed up!

Fable Rant

I now remember why I don't play action/adventure. I don't fight I'm not a fighter. I got Fable which I've wanted to do for like, since I heard of Fable, and now I'm freakin' pissed cause effing "Whisper" keeps beating me at killing troll thinngies.

Wraugh! Anyhoo I'm enjoying Mr. Fable/Hero/WhatEverHisNameIs and buying a mouse was the smart thing to do. Now I can actually see what I'm doing. Joy of joys!
