Seen a Waffle Lurking About theOtaku Lately?

Never Fear! For This Waffle is Here to

Soothe the Wounded Soul.

| Kingdom Hearts Recap Master Post |
| Adventures of Action!Axel |

E-mail Rant

I finally sent an e-mail to the good people at Go-comi. I'm sure many of you have read I've been having problems with finding the release date for the next volume for one of their series that I read. This has been going on for at least a year so I sent out an e-mail.

Hopefully they'll get their act together...

Fable Rant pt. 2

What have I done to him? I've had him for like, three days and already I've scarred him for life! Poor Mr. Hero, not even in his 30s and already all messed up!

Fable Rant

I now remember why I don't play action/adventure. I don't fight I'm not a fighter. I got Fable which I've wanted to do for like, since I heard of Fable, and now I'm freakin' pissed cause effing "Whisper" keeps beating me at killing troll thinngies.

Wraugh! Anyhoo I'm enjoying Mr. Fable/Hero/WhatEverHisNameIs and buying a mouse was the smart thing to do. Now I can actually see what I'm doing. Joy of joys!

Just a Rant Rant

Its 1:47 in the morning central time and I'm so sick and tired of all of this philosophical bullsh!t. College is so not going to be the place for me...


Like every good shojo fan I've heard of Vampire Knight. I picked it up because I really loved MeruPuri, which is also by Matsuri Hino. But little did I know they were making it into an anime. Should've seen it coming, I mean, the thing's pretty darn popular.

Anyhoo! Guess who's one of the male leads...that's right Mamoru Miyano! Who's like, only my fav VA of all times! Seriously, this guy goes from being Tamaki in Ouran to Raito in Death Note (also he's Riku in KH). Now he's playing Zero, the emotionaly constipated lurve interest of main character Yuki. So excited! It just came out in Japan April, so its pretty new! Now I'm off to find it on veoh!

(Sorry Mr. Flynn... Miyano still tops.)