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| Adventures of Action!Axel |

Roxas = Gang?

So I'm currently watching my friend play my very own copy of Re:COM, and we've had a couple of memes thus far that we like to scream out while playing it. One of them is repeating "Roxas" over and over again, via DiZ and Axel in KH2.

So we heard one of the girls getting locked into the bathroom, so we starting screaming 'Roxas'. Two minutes later four BUFF African American guys show up, and they've got the whole 'gangsta' look going on. My roomie opens the door and we're like, totally confused and a little bit scared. They ask us what we were yelling about, so I explain it's a joke for the video game we're playing, and he asks if I'm sure... and yes, I was so they left. Roxas slang or something? Does it have something to do with gangs? I mean, we've been yelling about all night long... Anybody know any reason why the word 'Roxas' would upset/offend anybody? 'Cause this isn't going to stop bugging me anytime soon and I'm no google sleuth.
