Sup. :U

Personality: Blunt, stubborn, headstrong... And a little off...

Favorite bands/singers [I have a lot]: Within Temptation, exist trace, Josh Groban, Vienna Teng, Jason Mraz, Buono, 2NE1, Evanescence, Vic Mignogna, Kanon Wakeshima, Jing Chang, L'arc en Ciel, SID, Sixx: A.M., Akeboshi, Vocaloid, Yoko Kanno, Maximum the Hormone, 2PM, MIKA, GACKT, SS501, and Yui.

Favorite animes: Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood, Kuroshitsuji/II, Nabari No Ou, Pandora Hearts, Death Note, Vampire Knight, Shugo Chara/Doki, Junjou Romantica, Hetalia Axis Powers, Ouran High School Host Club, Clannad/Afterstory, Kimi ni Todoke.

::Anything else you wanna know, don't be afraid to ask::


I realized I rarely just straight out bitch about crap. So that's what's gonna happen because my life isn't going to great at the moment. So, because my many uses of words like f^ck, sh!t, bitch, and so on please don't read this if you issues with...

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Stupid Non-Otaku Steriotypes

//WARNING: An angry Otaku is about to go off on a rant. This rant may be frightening to small children, the elderly, and people with mustaches. You have been warned. END WARNING//
What is with all these stereotypes?! I mean, anime is awesome! How are we weird for liking it?! And the same goes for manga! I was at school reading it one day and this girl was like "Oooohh... You read those weird books?" and I said "...Yeah. You got a problem with that? What's so weird about them?" and do you know what she said?! (Of course they don't! Tell them you baka!) SHE SAID "It's not that there weird, there just.... Stupid."
I got angry and went into lecture mode and was like "THEY PROBABLY THINK OUR BOOKS ARE WEIRD!" and.. "YOUR STUPID!" and... "GO SUCK COW NIPPLE!" I know. Just uncalled for, right? Yeah. I'm not one for being rational. And my dad says about my tiny obsession with anime
DAD: "What are you doing on the computer until 2 A.M.?"
ME: "Watching my shows."
DAD: "Those Japanese cartoon ones?"
ME: "Anime. And, yes."
DAD: "Ah...Uhm...Okay then..." Then he gives me this look like I am an insane person. What the heck.
-sigh- I guess I'll just never understand...
