Hello, guys. I really do not have an excuse for a long absence since I could of done so much. Pay attention all this weekend for updates. I have so much I plan to post, and still room for more weekends to come.
Headline News
That is it for now. As I mentioned, expect more this weekend.

Image by: aly5806
Author: tiggerola
Categories: Action, Adventure, Bangsian Fantasy, Comedy, Martial Arts, Shonen
Hiei wakes up in a land full of color and happiness! The Color Kids take him as their long lost friend, Black Night. But Hiei isn’t the only demon around. Kurama, Jin, Touya, and even Yukina show up! Will Hiei put up with his new friends, or will he join Murky and Lurky to rid the world of color forever?
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen

By tiggerola
(Please welcome our new fan fiction. ^_^ )
Well, as you know how our dear Sally Sue had the notion a few months ago to transport Vegeta to Care-A-Lo...
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By Die Before I Wake
(The End?)
“Hiei, could you come downstairs, please?” Kurama called out from the living room.
D***. Did they find her...
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Hey everyone, Z (Die Before I Wake) here.
I've been on a slump, depression, boredom, inspiration-less streak, or whatever you want to call it for a few days. I've been trying to draw or write, but all I end up doing is staring at the computer page or the sketchbook page for a while and then putting it away or closing it.
The reason I'm bringing this to your attention is because this is affecting my story, Katana. I'm most likely going to discontinue it, seeing as I have no desire to work on that, or really create anything anymore. So, sorry. I've tried, and there's still one more chapter on Fan Fiction.net for Zakuro Rose to put up.
Sorry about this. Really. I hate giving up on stuff, but there's nothing I can do to fix this. I've screwed the entire plot over pretty badly, and I just don't know what to do with it anymore. This doesn't mean it's definitely over, just that there's a very LARGE possibility that it is. If that makes any sense...So, once again, I'm really sorry.
With love,