
Title Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal)
Birthday 02/15/94
Member Since 08/22/10
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Gifts DemonsandAngels: Happy birthday! Hope it's wonderful!! Kaagemusha: Happy Birthday Fykki-sama!! Kaerlyn: Happy belated birthday ^^ blue dragon123: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! DemonsandAngels: Happy birthday! Hope it's wonderful!! DeathSeraph: Happy happy birthdayyy!! Have fun!! >w< Lucy77: Happy birthday!^^ Have a nice day~ Kaagemusha: Happy Birthday Buddy!! Lucy77: Merry Christmas! Best wishes~^^ : Thank you~ Hope you're doing well. :) animegirl171: Nice of you to share some with me :) ItachiSasuke: Happy birthday! Have a blast today~ :D DeathSeraph: Happy late birthday!I Hope it was great~ : Hope you're having a nice birthday~ :) Lucy77: Happy birthday!^^ Sve najbolje :) Kazamas-Keyblade: Haps 2 u! Kaerlyn: Happy Birthday! Enjoy some cake~! Sarasface: Have a wonderful birthday! animegirl171: the last few you got were sent by me xD animegirl171: then checked and noticed that animegirl171: was thinking how a banana is random animegirl171: A gift since you got older(and wiser) :P ItachiSasuke: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year's! :D ItachiSasuke: Random gift! Have an awesome day! :D SweeTea: lil cupcake for you (�>�<�) Lucy77: I'm so late, but happy birthday!~^^ DeathSeraph: Happy Birthday! have an awesome day! :D Kaagemusha: Happy Birthday Light-dude! nin-chaz: happy birthday to you HotRamen2Go009: Happy Birthday! Have a good one Sarasface: Happy birthday! ItachiSasuke: Be mine! Happy Valentine's<3     ^O^ Lucy77: Sretan Bozic! Sve najbolje~ <3 ItachiSasuke: Merry Christmas Fikret! Best wishes!<3 HotRamen2Go009: Congrats on the promotion :D Blue Latte: Congrats on the promotion! C= SweeTea: Congratulations on the promotion!! <33 ItachiSasuke: Heyo~ Congrats on your promotion! ;D JanetChan: Have a great day Oppaaaa!! <33 SweeTea: I miss you!! <3 ItachiSasuke: Hallo! It's been a while, hope you're OK LGA775: Aww thank you so much my friend^^ ItachiSasuke: Wishing you peace, joy & <3 this Easter : Thank you very much for the wishes :D Kami-chan.x3: Thank you && Happy St. Pat's Day! <3 LGA775: Happy easter man.Party like a rockstar^^ kikkima: happy be-late birthday Sarasface: Happy birthday! dyanaanime: Have a happy happy birthday! <3 Lucy77: Happy belated birthday!<3 Sve najbolje^^ DeathSeraph: Happy Brithday! Have an awesome day! :D SaxGirl: Happy birthday Fykki-kun!^^ ItachiSasuke: Happy Birthday Fikret!<3 Have a good one Hanaro Souhi: Happy Birthday!XD *hugs* Have a nice day animegirl171: Sve najbolje ! :3 animegirl171: Sretan rodendan! :D ^____^ animegirl171: <3 : Happy Birthday <(^o^)> ElementalNinja: Happy Birthday!~ : Happy Birthday! Have a lovely one! ^^ SeonFeng: Happy Birthday!! :D MangaKid: Happy birthday to you!! <3 X MAGE X: Happy BIrthday Fykki !!! :D Kazamas-Keyblade: Happy Birthday! fuko chan: Happy birthday!!!! Kaagemusha: Happy Birthday Bro!! Blue Latte: Happy b'day! Have a party all night long : Happy B-Day! Hope you have a good one. LGA775: Happy Birthday my friend^^ Hulaberry32: HAPPY BIRTHDAY <3 !! Star Crossed: Thank you! Happy valentines day! <3 Hanaro Souhi: Happy Valentine's Day too,Fykki-kun!~ AlexaClyne: Happy <3 Day Fluffeh-bakasempaisensei!:D MangaKid: Fykki-sama!! *hugs* Happy Valentine's! LGA775: Thanx 4 da comment on my free gift event DistantStar: HAPPY V-TINE'S DAY! orisitsinglesday? ;) LGA775: Happy valentines my friend^^ ItachiSasuke: Happy Valentine's Day Fikret! <3's for U ItachiSasuke: Herro! Random gift of luck! >3 AlexaClyne: It's 2013! Happy New Year Fluffy-kun! :D BabyD: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year ^__^ Blue Latte: Merry Christmas <3 AlexaClyne: Merry Christmas Fluffy-kun! ItachiSasuke: Merry Christmas! Best wishes to you~! :D Kazamas-Keyblade: Thank you for understanding Lucy77: Thank you for clicking on the links!^^ Lucy77: Random gift! ^__^ MangaKid: Miss u! Hope ur doing well, my friend^^ kikkima: Aww Thnk you , your sooo sweet o3o AlexaClyne: I'll miss you very very much. :** ItachiSasuke: Happy First Day of School~ Good luck! XD Kaagemusha: Hope you like Axes X3 Star Crossed: a rose, LET'S TANGO! ;D ItachiSasuke: Thank you! I created a healing potion >3 Ryo or Demon: You are so great! ^^ Thank you! animegirl171: Congrats on promotion! ^^(random banana) animegirl171: Thank you for everything as well! :D X MAGE X: Thanks for the sub! :D MangaKid: Congrats on the Promotion!! ^_^ ItachiSasuke: Congrats on your promotion~! ^__^ ElementalNinja: Congrats on your promotion! ItachiSasuke: Congrats on getting your license Bro XD ItachiSasuke: Because Gangstas Love Pandas~~ ;D SeonFeng: Love Pocky hehe. ^^ *shares* :P ItachiSasuke: For your kind words ^__^ apple pai: Just felt like sending you a pie,enjoy! DistantStar: HABLAHZZZZZZ! XD Kami-chan.x3: You're so sweet. *///3///* ItachiSasuke: Nippon no Ken! You'll need these ;D Kaagemusha: Thanks bro! Aria Sky: Happy theO anniversary! ^^" ItachiSasuke: Happy Otakuversary! ^__^ DistantStar: Thank you for your expert help! :) Aria Sky: Thanks, Fykki, for the help in judging! Hulaberry32: You are awesome! <3 Morbid Dollie: Hiya! <3 Thanks for the comment! AlexaClyne: A pie for the cookie you gave me. ;A; <3 EcardBeast12: Thanxx for helping Picklebrained: THANK YOU! ;u; Lucy77: random gift^^ :)) ItachiSasuke: Though I'm sure you'll do amazing~~ ItachiSasuke: Good luck on your exams Fykki~! ^__^ PurpleMochi: Thank you 4 the sub!^^ MangaKid: Ur an awesome friend!! *toe up+toe fist* animegirl171: I actually couldn't remember at first xP JanetChan: Thank you shoo much Dadee!! <33333 Blue Latte: Why are u always so nice to everyone XD : Thank you Fykki! x3 alexea arescia: Congratulations!March members promotion! Hulaberry32: Congrats on the promotion!! :3 animegirl171: Congrats on the promotion ! ^-^ superstarpanou: Congrats on your promotion! :D Yay! ^^b ItachiSasuke: Congrats on your promotion~! ^__^ animegirl171: random x3 Lucy77: a gift for you :) MFran: Thank you so much for the dedication :D namiwabakemono: tnx 4 ur gift here is one 4 u :) Sarasface: Happy birthday! 21Emmz12: HAPPY BIRTHDAY~!! =^D mewberry13: Thank you (srry have been very busy) AlexaClyne: Happy Happy Birthday Fluffeh-chan! :D Carina1301: happy birthday! :) AngelBest Dream: Happy birthday good friend Kaagemusha: Happy B-day dude! dyanaanime: Happy birthday ^^ Kazamas-Keyblade: Happy Birthday fuko chan: Happy birthday!! kandafan: Happy birthday, heres a strawberry!! fma17: Birthday pie for your Birthday :D blue dragon123: Happy Birthday! LightFykki : Happy birthday, Fiky!!!!!!!!!!! ^w^ Dark Flame 3479: Happy Birthday!~<3 :D Hope Estheim: Happy Birthday! ^^ : Happy Birthday :D ElementalNinja: Happy Birthday! :D Hanaro Souhi: Happy Birthday!~ ^ w ^ *hugs* ashio: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! :D Angel Zakuro: Happy b-day, Fy! :) DistantStar: HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! :) animegirl171: .I hid rest of the gifts just recently:3 animegirl171: I'm glad someone noticed the pandas, animegirl171: Cake for your birthday :D. ReiKiba: Happy birthday! <3 Lucy77: Happy birthday! :)) SaxGirl: Happy birthday Fykki-kun!:D babygirlforever18: happy birthday MintIceCream: happy happy happy bday!!!!!!!!!!! JanetChan: I LOVE YOU SHOO MUCH!!!!! JanetChan: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADEE!!!! :) Immortal Queen: Happy Birthday Light have a good one!!!! ItachiSasuke: Happy birthday! Hope it's a good one :D Hulaberry32: A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! <3 Hulaberry32: Put it all together and what've you got? Hulaberry32: H Hulaberry32: A Hulaberry32: P Hulaberry32: P Hulaberry32: Y Hulaberry32: B Hulaberry32: I Hulaberry32: R Hulaberry32: T Hulaberry32: H Hulaberry32: D Hulaberry32: A Hulaberry32: Y <3 Felcie: Happy Valentine's Day <3 animegirl171: Sretno Valentinovo Fikret ^-^ omnia1: Happy Valentines Friend hehe ^_^ ElementalNinja: Happy Valentine's Day! <3 Blue Latte: Happy Valentine's day Morbid Dollie: Happy Valentine's Day! Hulaberry32: Happy Valentine's Day~ :3 animegirl171: .. i drugog skolskog pribora :) animegirl171: ako ti fali biljeznica :P Lucy77: Hvala! :) Ritona: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! AlexaClyne: Merry Christmas Fluffeh X-neto-BSS! xD Amestar: 2nd place!Good job and thnx for entering animegirl171: Malo pršuta za tebe xD 21Emmz12: CONGRATS ON THE PROMOTION~!! =^D Vivianlove: Love for October <3 : For the bestest friend as you are! ^w^ Sarasface: Random gift! Enjoy pie! animegirl171: You're also smart :) animegirl171: How should I know that ? :D animegirl171: You sure you want to thank me ? :P animegirl171: Evo i tebi iako nisi....zezam se XD animegirl171: Danas je bilo vruce, pa eto sladoled :) animegirl171: Haha, cula sam za tu seriju xD animegirl171: How 'bout sushi ? :3 animegirl171: 'it stinks just like you' ? XD animegirl171: Mine was easy to guess *gives stapici* animegirl171: How about a hint on that one? A brick ? animegirl171: Think why yourself XD animegirl171: sent you a gift b4. You get banana. animegirl171: Thanks! And I'm not sure have I ever... superstarpanou: Thanks for the sub~~ A cookie for you~~! Kaagemusha: oh...awesome! XD Kaagemusha: thanks dude! how do you get this gift? : Thanks for subbing to me! ^_^ xNotUnderstood: a pie for i can run!! dusktilldawn713: thanx for subbing :D Felcie: Here's something yummy for you ! ;) ElementalNinja: Look Chester! I Stolez Your Bow! >D ElementalNinja: Arche's Magic Broom! WHOOSH! *flying* ElementalNinja: Here's another animal! Piggies! :D ElementalNinja: Here's another animal! Panda! :D ElementalNinja: Because You Deserve Another One! <3 ElementalNinja: Because You're Awesome! : Wow, first cake gift. Thanks. ^_^ VivaLaParadise: Pandas. They make it all better. VivaLaParadise: throw this at your head coz im a bully! scoodi: *chucks kitten* : Thanks for posting in the Ronald world! KittyNyaNya: And for being an awesome friend to Kitty KittyNyaNya: Thank you for being an awesome critique! 1dev13: A kitten for you! :3 hanawa: Roger that! I'll do my very best! *hugs* hanawa: I don't have a sword, so this will do. Hulaberry32: And I love every single one! <3 Hulaberry32: You send me more than enough! ^^ hanawa: And kick some Bombs' arses! XD LOL hanawa: Let's ride Chocobos today! 8D MiseryMiss: Did I already send this? MiseryMiss: I don't even know what this is... MiseryMiss: POCKY. Epicness. MiseryMiss: Look, we're having a gift party! MiseryMiss: Haha what the heck is that wand thing? MiseryMiss: Oh my unholy heck, thank you! :D hanawa: Vanquish them! *RPG mode* XD hanawa: OMG Bomb's invasion! (from FF series) Hanaro Souhi: Thanks for be a nice friend!=^_^= Hanaro Souhi: Ice cream!XD Perfect for your nice days! Hanaro Souhi: Thank you!^_^ Cookies to you!XD nirvana donut: thanks for the gift; it's been great! hanawa: And I sleep in an air-conditioned coffin hanawa: I am, I can't see myself in the mirror! hanawa: I don't want this garlic, it's toxic! DX hanawa: But I'm a vampire, I ain't a witch! XD hanawa: You left your pink wheel behind, sire? hanawa: A not-so-expensive gold bar for you! ^^ hanawa: And I hope you're ready for Quidditch? hanawa: The sorting hat says you're in Glycerin! hanawa: ... an edible crescent moon as snack? ^^ hanawa: I AM random! 8D. Then, would you like... hanawa: Now I've gotten you the whole packet! ^^ hanawa: Here's a cigar, I hope you smoke? XD LOL alexea arescia: thank you so much for the sub LightFykki ItachiSasuke: Thank you for entering my challenge! ^_^ VivaLaParadise: Thanks so much for the sweet comments :D AriesXzeroSeven: Thank You so Much!!! <3 Kaitlin Star: thank you for the gift and for welcoming AlexaClyne: And you're made of awesome so yeah~ AlexaClyne: Because pandas are awesomeness. 8D SaxGirl: Keep up the great work!^__^ SaxGirl: You're in the top 25 for cards too!:) 1dev13: YOU GAVE ME FAILCAKE. I GIVE YOU ONE. 1dev13: ...then I have to give you a pie! :D 1dev13: If you baked me a cake... 1dev13: Here, you can have some as well! :D 1dev13: Thanks for the pocky! :D 1dev13: YAY FOR COOKIES. *NOM NOM NOM* 1dev13: Here's some pie, I'll be a'working! :D 1dev13: And this. 1dev13: It involves THIS. 1dev13: I JUST THOUGHT OF AN IDEA...>:D 1dev13: AND CHOCOLATE IS HORRIBLE FOR THEM. 1dev13: CATS HATE BROOMS. >:D 1dev13: (Apparently this is a dog). ATTACK!!!!! 1dev13: SIX HOURS OF NYAN. NYANNYANNYANNYANNYAN. 1dev13: OH YES I CAN WITH: NYAN CAT ATTACK!!!!! 1dev13: I DECLARE A KITTY WAR!!!!! >:) DistantStar: Thank you so much, you're so awesome! :) 1dev13: RAMEN'S FALLING FROM THE SKY! (Thanks!) MiseryMiss: OMG THANK YOU :D Bluemoon Halo: Thank you X3! SarahPatricia: thanks for the cookie! here's yours :3 : Thanks for the cookie! Here's some pie!! : Have a KITTEH~ XD akatsuki15: Thanks for the gift!! : And you has a piggeh~!! xD Neko Hikaru: XDDD i wonder what i can broom lol : I give you the power of the panda~ :3 AlexaClyne: I kinda noticed, there's no donut gift! AlexaClyne: OWHYEAH, I'M SPAMMERINGZ U TOO. 8D AlexaClyne: I do need that brush, so you get ramen! AlexaClyne: Y U NO GIMME ICE CREAM!? ladylita: thanks for subscribimg 21Emmz12: RANDOM GIFT! =^D kisskiss-bangbang: Oh how I adore the cherry!! AlexaClyne: AND RAMEN TO END THE SPAM. AlexaClyne: YOU CAN HAZ POCKY STICK AlexaClyne: If you really decide to kill the walls.. AlexaClyne: You get a pie then. :D AlexaClyne: YAY GIFT SPAM! SaxGirl: Thanks for your help!^^ Hulaberry32: Thank you so much! You are the best(: NeKo MoonShine: Cherries for zee (late) Morbid Dollie: O_O that was an accident XD Morbid Dollie: animegirl171 Morbid Dollie: Thanks for caring <33~ AlexaClyne: You get a cupcake for the love! :'D Sarasface: Thanks for reminding me to stay positive nin-chaz: have a slice! lol JanetChan: Gifts!! >_< ��� JanetChan: Teh JanetChan: For JanetChan: You JanetChan: Thank JanetChan: Thank you shoo much, Dadee! ^_^ � ecnelisterger: ^^ Happy Easter~~~ ReiKiba: Happy Easter! :D Sarasface: Happy Easter!!! : Happy Easter! ^_^ kikkima: Happy Easter :D Star Crossed: Happy Easter! :D : Happy Easter, Fiky~!!!! :D : happy easter!!! :3 AlexaClyne: HAPPY EASTER FYKKI-KUN~!! fma17: Happy Easter! : Happy Easter! fma17: I hope you like cookies :D Immortal Queen: Happy Easter!!!!! Morbid Dollie: HAVE A FLOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Morbid Dollie: Sorry it's not a lemon o3o Morbid Dollie: Yellow fruit for Lemon-chan xD Sarasface: Enjoy! Hulaberry32: *glomps* :D : Thank you for the gifts, Fiky!! :D Hulaberry32: *DANCE PARTAAAAAAAAY* ;3 Hulaberry32: ...In the next competition!! Hulaberry32: I know that you will do GREAT... Hulaberry32: You are the best!! *throws confetti* Hulaberry32: CONGRATS DARLING!! :DDDD Hulaberry32: OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! :D : Thankz! x3 winterlionheart: Sorry ^-^ Morbid Dollie: For my bday! That was my first book xD nin-chaz: Thank you : Thanks for the bday wishes! Hulaberry32: A panda :3 Cute, like you!! Hulaberry32: Cause the first gift I gave you was... MiseryMiss: Everyone loves presents xD MiseryMiss: BANANAAAAA >:O MiseryMiss: MMMMMHHHHHHHMMMMMM! MiseryMiss: Ah, I shall do that! MiseryMiss: Ah should have read this first ^^ MiseryMiss: Sweet :) : Thank you for subbing! ^_^ Hulaberry32: Keep up the great work!! ^^ Hulaberry32: I knew you were a genius. ;D Hulaberry32: CONGRATS DARLING!! :D Hulaberry32: Alright, I'll stop now. ;P Hulaberry32: You rock! XD Hulaberry32: And the most amazing... Hulaberry32: For being the sweetest guy in the world~ Hulaberry32: You're just too amazing not to spam! ;3 Hulaberry32: I'm so not trying to spam your gifts... Hulaberry32: Late congrats on your promotion!! ^^ Hulaberry32: I don't send you enough gifts T.T : Once again, thank you. : Thank you. : You're too nice to me... Hulaberry32: Congrats on winning the contest!! :D : Just because. xD : No, chocolate!! Dx : That doesn't help at's a cake : You meanie!! What about a kitty? ;w; : You sick!! Go eat a cat!! Dx : Congrats on the Promotion, Fykki-san! :D kikkima: 4 U! *Hand it to you in chibi* ^_^ : A banana, for your trouble? xDD : Congrats on the promotion, dear!! :D animegirl171: Congrats on the promotion :) : Ya can't go wrong with ice cream!! xDD : Yay! Thanks!! Strawberries are good too! : ...Cookies are good!! xD : Love talking to you, every single day!! : For someone as lovely as you~<3 : HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FYKKI-SAN! :D NoirAngel: Thank you for the sub ^_^ : For my best friend!! :D : Happy Birthday, once again. Gravity4Ever: ~ Happy Birthday!!!Hope it rocks!^^ ~ Ritona: Awesome Cookie For Awesome Person 1dev13: Happy Birthday! :) phantomgirl21: You're welcome for the sub :=] phantomgirl21: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! kandafan: happy b-day dude you rock!!^^ Morbid Dollie: Happy Birthday! X33 HelloKatty: Happy 17th Birthday Dude! :D JanetChan: HAPPEH HAPPEH BIRTHDAY, FYKKI-KUN!!^ ^ JanetChan: Happeh B-day, Fykki-kun 21Emmz12: HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY B-DAY~!! =^D : Happy Birthday! chrono elric: happy birthday>.< Artgrrl: HAPPY HAPPY HAAAAAPPPPPYYY BIRTHDAY!!!! nin-chaz: happy birthday! dyanaanime: Happy B-day! ^^ b ecnelisterger: Have a great B-Day!!! nightmaya: Happy birthday !!!!! ReiKiba: No problem! <3 kikkima: Happy b-day Fykki-kun!!! ^_^ SaxGirl: Happy bday Fykki-chan!^^ *hugs* Immortal Queen: Happy birthday!!!!! : Happy Birthday! Hulaberry32: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DARLING! :D : I hope you have an awesome birthday!! ^^ Kc Inoue: Happy Valentine's day~! Artgrrl: Happy Valentine's Day! <3 JanetChan: Happy Valentine's Day, Fykki-kuun! ^ ^ JanetChan: Happeh Valentine's Day, Fykki-kun! ^ ^ kikkima: happy V-day ^_^ : Happy Valentine's, dear!! :D NeKo MoonShine: Happy valentine's day!:D : Thank you for your kindness, dear!! :D Morbid Dollie: I really appreciate it so much! <333 Morbid Dollie: Thank you for caring! <333 chrono elric: thanks for the sub winterlionheart: here is your treat! Kc Inoue: To a new friendship~ ForgottenAngel1: Just wantin 2 say HI!! : Hope to be great friends with you too!! kandafan: thnx 4 bein such an awesom friend!!!!!^^ xNotUnderstood: hes returning the gift with Pie roxas b: this is for being a good friend Morbid Dollie: You're a great friend <33 Darkness Lord: Thank you for your warm welome :) : Here's some pocky, my smart friend! xD : Happy New Year! ^^ Hulaberry32: Happy New Years! :DD ecnelisterger: All the best for 2011~ :D : happy 2011 wabisuke: thanks for gift, sorry for late response nightmaya: Happy holidays !!!!! MiseryMiss: Merry Christmas :DD : thanks and merryxmas to u Bleachic: Merry Christmas!!! :3 : Merry Christmas! :D Gravity4Ever: ~ Happy Holidays!!!!!! <3 ~ AlexaClyne: Have a Merry Merry Christmas!! :DD Morbid Dollie: Happy Holidays!! : Happy Holidays!!! : Merry Christmas mewberry13: Thank You! Happy Holidays � : Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too. Hulaberry32: Happy Holidays~<3 dyanaanime: Happy Holidays! ^^ Immortal Queen: Have a very merry Christmas ReiKiba: Thank u for ur participation for FF! <3 Hulaberry32: Congrats on winning 3rd in the challenge : thanks for the ramen!! :DD : Thanks for gift and subscription! wabisuke: Here ya go, like your work :) MiseryMiss: Thanks for the cookie :D Here's a cake! mewberry13: THANK YOU!!! ^^ 21Emmz12: Nyaa~! Yer welcome~! =^D Rosie Chan: Welcome to the O! Thx for the gift! :D Hulaberry32: Thanks for all the nice comments! :D sky-phoenix queen: thank you for my lovely gift  :D Bleachic: Thanks for the sub!  *^^*
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