innocent heart (Wallpaper Portfolio) Mignon! :)

Mignon! :)
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Translation: Mignon = Cute ^_^

Please view at 1920 x 1200 ^_^

I'm in the wallpaper mood right now. XD Now that I have my internet back, I have been on it non-stop and now I want to make wallpapers like crazy. Lol. Anyway, thank you to those who looked at my latest wallpaper^^ If you haven't, please do. Thank you. ♥

Now as for this wallpaper, just a simple and fun one. :) Only took about an hour or so, but I had fun with it! Added a couple of textures and brushes, and yay here it is! I didn't add any text to it because I thought it had enough in it. Lol. I'm sorry if it isn't one of my best or creative wallpapers^^; but I just wanted to create a random, fun one.

I love this picture of Komugi-Chan, she looks uber cute here! XD She is one of my favorite anime characters. ^_^ If you like an anime that can make you smile and laugh, check out Nurse Witch Komugi! Its incredibly cute and has great music! :) Its one of my favorites! ^_^

This is dedicated to Lys. ^_^ *hugs* Thank you for the banner you made for me from the last contest(and also for placing me as one of the winners. X3) and also for just being a great friend. You're one of my closest friends on and I thank you always for being an incredibly inspirational person. ^_^ *hugs* I know you love Summer and pastel type colors, so I hope you like this wall^^

Thank you everyone for viewing this^^ Your support, hugs, and comments all are a joy to read. *bows* Take care and may sunshine and happiness fill every second of your day. ^_^ ♥

- PNG of Komugi found on Egao! Destiny
- Textures from Crystal Rain, Reminiscent Designs, and Coy-Dreamer on
- Brushes from GIMP and Adorabubble

Nurse Witch Komugi Wallpapers
bikini, bright, bubbles, colorful, creative, cute, flowers, fun, girl, happy, heart, kawaii, komugi, mignon, nurse, nurse witch komugi, pastel, rainbow, smile, sparkle, summer, swimsuit
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