SarahPatricia (Wallpaper Portfolio) Just Go Wild

Just Go Wild
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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EDIT* I failed epicly. Sorry! The first upload wasn't the correct one, here's the right one!

VIEW IN 1920x1200 for the best !

it would be really great if you celebrated Sephine's anniversary with her!

Go and read her posts :)

[Part1] [Part2]

[josephine12cute's thoughts]

A collab wall made by me and a fellow kababayan of mine, SarahPatricia.

Sarah is probably one of the closest persons to me here in theO. Considering were both Filipinos & we had a few chats in Facebook. I guess I can say that we also share the same interests too! Setting those things aside, this wallpaper we made is very special to me since I applied many things that I learned after experimenting in Photoshop for 5 months! :D

The main render was supposed to be this one, but it was stupid of me since I lost the link. I then stumbled upon a Sakura vector from AnimePapr and made me realize that I've always wanted to make a wall out of it. I'm very happy that it suited a slight colorful/gradient/clean/abstract/typography wall that I had in my mind. I'm also happy that this wall had a red scheme color. Red is my favorite. Although the red shade on the BG was just a mere accident. It was originally & supposed to be grayish black. Despite that, I'm more satisfied with how the wall looks.

It was a very fun, creative, colorful, and very insomniac (we stayed up late because of chatting :P) experience having a collab with her. And I'm happy that the wall turned out very well. I hope you guys enjoy the wall as much as I do. Enjoy! ~ ♥

[SarahPatricia's thoughts]

I am happy to let all of you know, that this wallpaper, is a collaboration of me and josephine! This really helped me a lot in boosting my abilities in photoshop. I thought that it would be simple because my part was the brushwork and typography, but it wasn't. Me and Sephine had many trial and errors. She taught me about putting the "right" kind of effort in a wallpaper. Trust me, it really isn't that easy as it sounds.

The process was actually long XD Me and Sephine had many chit chats in facebook. Not just the usual though. We spent time talking about the wall and about random stuff too. We even slept at dawn just because of that XD

But even though this wall's very hard for me, it was fun and I regret no part of it ^_^

I hope you like our outcome!

[Vector] ...The dark side of the sweetness... by dreamer-erika
[Texture] Premade - BG - Texture IV by BrixStock
Brushes: RidikulVectorSet1 | KLstock_36_Vectorbrushes | Infinity Brush Set by Shifty_J
Font: Champagne & Limousine | MyriadPro

Tifa by anbuu
I heart VECTORS by SquadGazZz

Just Go Wild - Namie Amuro vs Lady Gaga [Mash Up by Matt Slade]

Learn how to clean a scan here.
The image was actually a vector so I don't have any artifacts & noises to fix. I just used scan cleaning to manipulate & adjust her colors the way I want to:
1st layer - Luminosity 100%
2nd layer - Multiply 50%
3rd layer - Color Dodge 61%
4th layer - Overlay 40%
5th layer - Linear Burn 25%
6th layer - Lighten 59%

[Twitter Layout] Tsubasa Sakura Twitter Layout by josephine12cute
[Process] Step By Step Process on josephine12cute's part
[Process]SarahPatricia's part
Total Layers: (With background, brushwork, typoghraphy, render and everything else) 76 layers
[Time] -_-

Thanks & Cheers!
Sarah & Josephine

Tsubasa Wallpapers
collab, collaboration, just dance, just go wild, lady gaga, namie amuro, party, tsubasa sakura, wild
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