This wallpaper was made for an example of the challenge I'm created, STOP THE HATE. It's an anti bullying challenge geared to stop hatred and bullying. Bullying affects a lot of people everywhere. And a lot of people are suffering because of bullying. In the news I heard about a boy named Trayvon Martin. He was killed because of prejudice and racism. This wallpaper is dedicated to him and all those who have suffered because of bullying and hatred. I just want to get the message out there that bullying is wrong and it needs to be stopped everywhere.
For my wallpaper I wanted to create a dark grunge look. I wanted it to have a bit of a bloody feel because bullying sometimes can be a very bloody affair. Mainly because bullies gang up on unsuspecting victims and hurt them. I wanted this wallpaper to symbolize the hurt that bullying causes. Also the lyrics are from Nickelback's song "Someday." I think they relate to bullying in a way or could be related to bullying. I hope everyone enjoys the wallpaper. Dedicated to my friend LGA775. But I solely dedicated this wallpaper to Trayvon Martin, somebody who lost their live because of bullying. In memory of Trayvon Martin, even though I didn't know you, you will always be remembered.
Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio)
How The Hell

1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800
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- Created
- 04/02/12
- Category
- Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Wallpapers
- Tags
- cc, code geass, lelouch
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- Member Dedication
- LGA775
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