I'll edit this description later to be better...I gotta go eat dinner now! :)
Original scan.
Dedicated to Hi-chan because she has been going through some tough times lately *hugs* and also I was inspired by her style with the typography...this seems like something she would make. <333
Quote by me.
*will edit this later!*
Edit: Soooo yeah. This challenge was about focusing on the typography...so I went with something simplistic and yet really bold in the center. O: I'm kinda addicted to increasing the tracking to huge amounts lately. XD; (That's the space between the letters.) I used to like making them super close together...but now I'm like "OMG MUST MAKE THEM REALLY FAR APART." So yeah. At first I didn't have the text box behind...and I had the text white and red, but I changed it and went with this brownish color for some reason. I like it lol. And that scan, super smexy. <3 Perfect for the summer and perfect for Hi-chan's love for BL. ;) Added some red lighting...sharpened it...not much else.