fma17 (eCard Portfolio) Always Here

Always Here

So here is my entry for Ritona's challenge. The following is how I view my faith and I am not looking to pick a fight or hit a nerve.

So I am kinda happy that my first card of the new year has to do with God. I was brought up and raised Roman Catholic but since I have learned more and more about past events and the teachings, I can't agree with everything. So really, I have no idea what I am. What I do know and believe in is that there is a God somewhere. I know He is in my life and He loves each and everyone of us. I do believe He has a plan for each of us but also gave us free will. I don't know how to explain it so here is probably the worst analogy ever: If you have ever played the video game Sims then you know you create the people and have a plan for them and their lives, but God doesn't control us, He hopes we do the right things to keep ourselves well and He gives us the choice to accept His gift of faith or not. It is like us taking a step back from the video game hoping the Sims can take care of themselves. End of bad analogy XD He graces us with challenges but I think it is to help lead us in the right direction. When I was first diagnosed with my kidney disease I had a lot of doubt about my faith. Doctors do not know what caused it and I went through a lot when I was an otherwise healthy person. But going through that now makes me seriously consider going into the pediatric nursing profession. Also, I don't think you need to go to church to show your faith. I believe our relationship with God or whatever higher power you believe in, or not, is an intimate relationship.

When I saw this scan it just seemed perfect. The guy in my view was looking out toward the sky and could be talking to God. I emphasized the light (yes pretty original, huh?) to represent God and make it look like night time. I added some gradients and set them on different modes then just added the typography.I also blurred the image a little bit, but not much.

This is dedicated to the challenge creator. Thank you for creating this challenge, it may or may not have started some discussions, but it's nice to see a lot of people become passionate and in depth about something as serious as religion.

Another version (not much different but is brighter with the light)

Original Anime and Manga eCards
Benjamin, clouds, light, man, religious, sky
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