Here we have this wonderful challenge slam going on...and I couldn't find a challenge to submit this to. XD Oh well. It was just for fun. <3
I used this scan, and similar to my last card...I ended up desaturating the scan. >> Then created my own lighting...I actually used some sort of texture I've had for a really long time. It kinda looks like's swirly. XD It was purple, but I changed the hues to orange/red instead. I liked the dark/hot/sexy lighting it created. ;) I also added some of my own gradients/lighting as well. The words came from Big Bang's What Is Right....because it happened to play while I was working on it. XD Then I was like OMG THAT WOULD WORK SO WELL WITH THIS IMAGE. Like the doctor loving this hunky dragon/demon of a man right? ;D Or is it horribly wrong? Anyway. XD