aragorn1014 (Fan Art Portfolio) "Looks like you forgot something."

"Looks like you forgot something."
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HIGH RESOLUTION PLEASE<33333333--->(and here's higher resolution: )

Haha the original file is like 2300x1160 which I know could never be submitted here @__@ But anyway the closer the pic the better the characters look LOL.

*Riiya is walking and passes Cloud when suddenly he stops her and she looks up*
Cloud: Looks like you forgot something.

Chocolate chip cookies to whoever can figure out what it is exactly that Cloud is handing her back xD

But yeah for Cherri-chan's comeback project...I actually finished this piccy at an almost ungodly hour yesterday but I was soo exhausted I couldn't submit @__@ So yeah..being the hypocrite I am lol I'm really late with this but I at least wanted to submit SOMETHING for the comeback. *nods*

It was REALLYYY hard to finish this because my sister and I live in the same house...that being said, she's totally against me drawing any couple art of any sort(like CanonxOC or anything)....and she TOTALLY blew up last time I drew Clouya art and she saw me because she's a HUGE fan of Cloud. So, this was really really hard to get done without her noticing xD Plus it was a somewhat speed paint..without the speed xD

Uh I wanted to get this done ASAP so no background really xDD Sorry >.< I might add one later though...
This definitely isn't my best work..because the theme gave me lots of trouble surprisingly, but there were like 1239457839466 people that wanted me to do Clouya art so I did xDD

Next week's theme will hopefully be easier for me @__@ Take care guys!

Lineart done partly in pencil then in OpenCanvas 1.1 and Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0
Colored in Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0
Done with Wacom Intuos3 Tablet

Picture and Riiya(c)Me(aragorn1014)
Cloud and Kingdom Hearts(c)Square Enix

Enjoy guys~!(man I wish you all could see the full size of the piccy T__T)

Kingdom Hearts Fan Art
aragorn1014, cloud, clouya, riiya, sayura
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