Rein Akira (Fan Art Portfolio) Trapped in Your Gaze

Trapped in Your Gaze
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Ok, so these are the two main characters in my story 'Little Red'... It's kind of a play off of Little red Riding Hood, but it's definatly not a children's story, lol... I wanted to color it to give you a better idea of what che characters look like.

Here's a special look at a paragraph from the story:

The gorgeous best man had reappeared in the middle of the dance floor, a smile on his lovely features, as he held the small hands of the pretty little flower girl from the wedding. The girl was only about eleven years old, she had beautiful blonde hair that was curled and put up for the occasion. She wore a cute yellow summer dress with a white knitted sweater over it to cover her bare arms. I could understand as to why completely; it had gotten a little chilly since the sun went down, but I couldn’t do much to keep myself warm. I had not brought a coat with me and the only one I had was in my car, which was locked. And I could not get the coat out of the locked car because my keys were in my purse, which was taken. I grabbed my glass and took a large drink of it, upset at the fact that I was bored, cold, and, now in realization that I currently had no way home, twice as angry as I had been earlier.

Personal Fan Art
cora, corina, gabrial, little red, rein akira, story, werewolf
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