....I sorta don't like this picture. XD
mostly because Rei looks SO OOC ARGHHHH SHE LOOKS TOO PRETTY.
Neither Rei or me would EVER wear something like this. XD
I blame Rika. o3o she's always forcing Rei to put on dresses.
Also, my Algebra teacher has those shoesss I thought they looked cool but it left me confused on how she got them on LOL
Anyways, on to the point! Cherri and I are making a sort of revival project.
We miss the good old days when everyone drew their kh oc's and others.
So we are inviting you to a Party (will soon be a challenge, and other things)
To attend the 'party' draw your KH OC in formal party attire!
This means suits, ties, collared shirts, dresses, etc.
Everyone will be about 3 years older.
More will be added on this later, but start drawing!
Someone made Rei attend~~