Why is it that I can never seem to find my pens and color pencils when I need them? //__=;
But you know...this actually looks better then it seemed to yesterday. Maybe because I was stressed out and overly judgemental of myself yesterday.
Anyway, this is for my Master's Exam in the Land of Departure
My answer is...your friends.
I originally wanted to draw each of them, but my mind would not have it. So I went with symbols to represent each one.
~Wayfinder-Aqua, Ven and Terra(whenever he shows up)
~Heart and crown-Sora, Kairi and Riku
~Bat wings-My best friend Ashley(and her OC Valsing)
~Celtic knot-My buddy Alex(and her...yes HER...OC Aetas)
The symbol in the middle is mine, I tried to make all the symbols touch but the celtic knot drove me nuts.
I swear I'll color this once I get new pens and manage to find my color pencils once again.