superstarpanou (Fan Art Portfolio) Treasure of the Rudras

Treasure of the Rudras
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Yay! First submission for this new year! Happy New Year, everyone! I still can't get used to the fact that it's 2011...

Anywho, for the curious people who don't know, I've been on internet-less winter break for about a month. That's why I haven't been heard from in a long while. I'm terribly sorry for the people who have been trying or were contacting me. >,< But I'm back in college again starting new classes and I'll be on quite a bit again! :D

But yep, on with the drawing! This is my drawing for the SNES game, Treasure of the Rudras. I played this a long time ago, and I really loved the storyline for the jade lady, Riza. I searched up the game some time ago too, and I was quite disappointed with how they really looked like on the official site. So I decided to make my own artwork of those two main characters.

If I remember correctly, (I played this a long time ago -_-) this is the small scene where the main guy, Gargoyle, and the rest of the gang, loses their memory or something, and you as the player has to pick out of some choices and regain back what they remember. I thought it was so sweet and funny what he blurted out. Maybe that's why I love this game so much, but I haven't finished it yet tho...!

Used: SAI paint tool and Photoshop

Treasure of the Rudras (C)Square

Other Video Games Fan Art
gargoyle, memory, riza, treasure of the rudras
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