superstarpanou (Fan Art Portfolio) Word Up!

Word Up!
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I was watching WordGirl on PBS when I was drawing this ahaha! I only had 30 minutes to quickly sketch the characters before the show ended!

In the middle is Becky Botsford, who is from Planet Lexicon and is also WordGirl, the superheroine who has vocabulary a mile wide and has super strength and can fly. No one, except the hilarious narrator, her awesome sidekick, and her cool grandfather, knows that she is actually the famous WordGirl! Her sidekick is Captain Huggyface, a monkey. Too bad I didn't draw him too though... aw...

On the left is Scoops, the guy who Becky secretly has a crush on. Why she likes him, I have no idea why... in the show, he's so... yeck... -_-" But yeah, he works for the Daily Rag, the school newspaper. He can be really cocky at times... that's what I think.

On the right is Toby, and he has a secret crush on Wordgirl (me: Gosh. It's like a Korean drama kahahaha). As a super genius (me: Nerd, you mean...), he likes to build robots and make them destroy the city to get WordGirl's attention. He would often try to negotiate with her by a date (me: Smooth...). But the only thing that stops his behavior sometimes is his mother. :D

This show is probably only in the United States, is it? So probably you guys not in the U.S. don't know this show. It's a kid's show, but I still like to watch it because it's hilarious!


Other TV Fan Art
becky, botsford, pbs, scoops, toby, word up, wordgirl
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