Yayness the last day of January and I am finally able to scan and submit NEW artwork!! This was the last artwork I drew before the new year and so I thought it should be the first one to show you my new stuff since I am super proud of it!
As you can see it's Xio and Lux and to those who don't know, one is evil and the other is good. Can you tell which one is which? lol well its pretty easy but just doing it this way was fun since they are both Luxrays and sorta of are brother like opposites of the other.
Now both are my own OC Luxrays from PGR so please give me good feed back. I finally comfortable with a style that has taken me awhile to finally master! :)
Hugs and Comments are appreciated! So much new stuff on the way for everyone to see along with dedications and gifts!!! :3