FINALLY! The deadline has passed and I can finally submit this! :D
This was my Doodle 4 Google and it's the latest project I worked my butt off on. xD
Sadly, you can't see it to it's full potential because the file is way huge (6600 px x 5100 px ; 300 dpi ; 199.3 MB)
Sooooo here's the smaller, more fun-sized version.
It's pretty much self explanatory. Except for Rei flying probably. I tried to incorporated that I wanted to be able to fly, and that goes well with traveling. So thus I put it over the 'G'.
Tutorial used to make the stars
Key Dates:
State & Regional Finalists Notified:
April 21, 2011
Online Public Vote: May 4-13, 2011
Awards Ceremony: May 19, 2011
Winning Doodle on Google Homepage: May 20, 2011
I'm realllyyyyyyyy excited! I hope I do well ;u;
If I make it to state, my drawing will be seen by THESE GUYS.
I hope you guys enjoy it! I have some ideas and hopefully I'll be able to put it on paper and submit more art for you guys :)
Take care~
CBS News - How to help Japan without being scammed Japan Aid Fundraiser
Save the Children
text JAPAN to 20222 (It will be added to your cell phone's monthly bill)
Nigahiga - Honk for Japan(with every 1,000,000 views, he'll donate another $600)
Red Cross:
TEXT REDCROSS 90999 to give $10 automatically to your phone bill
or visit the website
Please pray for Japan, not because you want the next volume or episode of your favorite manga/anime to come out sooner, not because they're your favorite country, and not because of any other selfish reason. Please pray and support Japan because it's the right thing to do. I also hope that when there's another disaster like this that happens anywhere else besides Japan, people from all over will rush over and do their best to help.