I wonder why the category I always end up with is Other Video Games. I play weird games... :P
This is Surlent, from the SNES game, Treasure of the Rudras. I started playing this game again on my laptop and I love his personality. He is, as it says, "A knowledge hungry sorceror." When I was giving names to the characters at the beginning of the game, I thought that it said, "power hungry sorceror." Yes, I know, how did I read and get that?! So the whole time, I didn't like Surlent until I was actually playing his character. He's actually very calm, wise, and awfully polite! What a man! Whew~~!
ENJOY! Used: SAI Paint Tool
Time: Some hours... probably 4 to 6 hours
Treasure of the Rudras (c)Square
Dedicated to Kaagemusha, cuz you remind me of the gaming type for some reason. Maybe it's your wonderful comments. Thanks! I enjoy them very much! ^_^