1dev13 (Fan Art Portfolio) [Mou Ikkai!]

[Mou Ikkai!]
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My entry for Saerily's challenge--A song I'd like to sing~.

Inspiration/Song: Rolling Girl by Miku Hatsune


This song is extraordinary.

Not only do I listen to it XXX times a day, but I realized that this song could be applied to real life.

I did a bit of research, and found out that this song meant a lot to the illustrator, Akiakane. She covered the song, and countless others followed in pursuit (Nico Nico Chorus).

All the covers I've seen are beautiful--you can hear the frustration in their voices (I've cried because of their sheer talent). I highly recommend the Japanese AND English covers!

About the Art:

This piece contradicts my usual style, as it has no color.

It looks empty, yet at the same time full.

That's exactly what I was aiming for.

Our lives have up and downs. Sometimes we view the glass as half full, other times viewed as half empty.

Sometimes we live life to the fullest, other times we just get by.

Happy, sad--you can't be one all the time.

There's obstacles that get in our way, but we just have to start rolling again.



| [Texture #1] | [Texture #2] | [Texture #3] | [Texture #4] | [Wing] | [Lyrics] | Fonts: The Only Exception + Times New Roman | Layers: 18 | Creation Time: 6 hours (The "Rolling Girl" text sure liked to be picky, XD) | Created with: My L111 Coolpix Camera, my hand, a sweater, my bathroom wall (how flattering! XD), and GIMP! |

Miku Hatsune Fan Art
1dev13, black, black and white, callus, cosplay, fan art, grey, greyscale, hand, heart, miku hatsune, mou ikkai!, one more time, photography, rolling girl, white
42 votes thumb
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Member Dedication
A song I'd like to sing~
Sourced By
This work is not available for use in other pieces


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