Theme #92- All That I Have
My word it was so late that I totally forgot that I had the 100 themes challenge in mind as I drew this. xD
The idea behind this was that I was to draw Muse(the girl) at the point at which she becomes Lux's tool for him to use. She basically just follows his every command and nothing else- so he is basically all that she is and has in her mind, and I hope that dark idea was conveyed here.
But anyways, this was a Gaia commission for Lux-Fortuna on DA! Download for full view~
I had a lot of fun doing this, although it was incredibly tough with shoulder/musculo-skeletal problems in between. It was a really difficult pic because of all of the details, and I really had to think out a lot of the different accessories and how I wanted to color them.
Aloki was VERY specific about what he wanted in this pic, so credit for most of the ideas in this pic go to him. I was simply following what he asked for, although some parts were definitely my idea of course. The sword was also my own creation.
He also was looking for CLAMP-styled work so I tried very hard to achieve that(and I think I kinda failed, but I tried OTL) while mixing my own style in as well. This is actually quite different from how I normally color- lots of experimenting went into this xD
This was actually by far the toughest gaia commish I've ever done haha but it was great practice and certainly worth it.
I hope you all enjoy everyone~ I used like 2 textures maybe in this but I'm too tired to link them at the moment...
Pic(c)Me(aragorn1014/Riiya22 on gaiaonline)
Done in Paint Tool SAI over 12862395692359235235 years
Enjoy you guys ^^