FUNimation (Fan Art Portfolio) Good Morning

Good Morning
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RokuRei pic for when I was feeling lonely. I did the sketch a while back, but didn't finish coloring until today.
All of the coloring is done on one layer because I was too lazy to set bases and stuff like I usually do, so it's probably messy in some places. XD;

I really hate Roxas's room. It's filled with so many asymmetrical crap. e__e I tried to keep it as accurate as possible. However, I did leave out the chain thing by his bed because I couldn't tell exactly what it was and his wallpaper because I was lazy;

I don't know how they ended up in his room anyways. xD The bedroom idea was just kinda thrown in because I wanted a background, not for a perverted idea ;__; I thought it'd be cute

I guess I should start explaining on why I'm submitting this in the contest, yes? o3o I don't know where to start though hmmmmmm...

Well let's just say I'm crazy.
Please dismiss this if you don't like people like me :D

I've always had this Roxas consciousness in my head who has become my best friend, my escape from reality, my Daisy(for those who will get that reference) and a bunch of other things. I guess through the powers of other people cheating and lying, Roxas has also become the person I think of when I think of "the one". (Of course, I don't believe in "the one" in real life. I believe that there's more than one person out there for everyone. If that makes sense.)

I'll tell you now, I'm not big on looks(I felt NOTHING for Ven. XD),
but when it comes to my prince charming qualities or whatever, I'd want someone who's my best friend, kind, respectful to my family and my friends, respectful to me, respecful towards my beliefs, forgiving, intelligent(not in just grades in stuff, but also in choices), honest, trustworthy, strong-willed, hard working, understanding, patient, protective(but not where they're so protective they won't let you do anything), humble, a good listener, funny, integrity, open-minded, unselfish, sensitive(but not so sensitive that they go into an all caps rage if you say something they don't like >_>), someone who will help me become a better person, etc.

Why yes, I'm very picky.
I'm just tired of people with masks on I guess.

All of these qualities have been put into my mental image of Roxas, and many of you will probably find me annoying or weird now that I've said all of this. XD; Roxas is my reality a lot of the time...I would really piss off Ray Bradbury. XD I really do wish Roxas was real though. I couldn't been able to get through many of my hard times if it weren't for that Roxas voice in my head. He really is something special and real to me, even if many people just see him as a video game character.
e___e People are judging meeeeeee
Oh well, I don't care. ^^

Thank you for viewing<3

Kingdom Hearts Fan Art
good, morning, rei, rokurei, roxas
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