just.me (Fan Art Portfolio) Aishia - Phoenix

Aishia - Phoenix
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Gift for the wonderful Aishia. I've always wanted to draw you a phoenix! :D Aisha, you're special. You're almost always, or simply show up again and keep on happily commenting. You don't mind at all whether I'm active commenting or not. Just knowing that i'm alright makes you happy. In dark times you're a real fighter. Keep on fighting to be positive! Don't give up. And if you need someone to talk I'm right here :) You're an amazing person and I'm happy that I"m finally able to gift you this piece <3

About the piccy:
I used a reference for the pose! and only the pose! Unfortunately I lost the image and I can't find it anymore :( The design, colors, extra tail feathers and such is my work :)
Medium: pencil, ink pen, colored pencils and acrylic paint.
Scanning: AAH hate. Took me a long time to get a decent scan/photo from the drawing. It kept screwing up the colors and staying too dark. This one is decent :)

Also had this drawing lying around for a week and finally found some free time and (access to paint) to finish it :3

Personal Fan Art
bird, fantasy, fire, gift, original, paint, phoenix, red, yellow
21 votes thumb
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