Ikemarth (Fan Art Portfolio) The Dog

The Dog
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Mangakid and Ikemarth powers activate!!! (‘Bit of Wonder Twins joke there )

This entry is for Team Plasma N's Chinese Zodiac challenge. Although our Zodiac signs are The Rooster and The Monkey, we decided to choose The Year of the Dog and our chosen Pokemon is none other than the legendary dog, Suicune. For this challenge, Mangakid and I decided to combine our talents into one entry. Mangakid beautifully coloured the entry, whereas I drew it. We have combined the two attributes into one; having the trainer dressed in a kimono to give the essence of 'Chinese New Year'.

Suicune was chosen for this challenge because we wanted viewers to be familiar and be able to recognise the Pokemon easily. Also, Suicune somewhat fits the characteristics of the Dog. Dogs are responsible, compassionate, calm and reliable. As seen in the anime, Suicune has shown a heroic, serious and calm nature to dangerous situations; making this Pokémon very suitable for The Year of the Dog. Not to mention that we both love animals.

Dawn (Hikari) however, even thought she is not from the Johto series, in which Suicune originated, we thought it would be a good idea to have a main character from the Pokemon Diamond & Pearl games and anime series as the character would easily be recognisable.

I can say as much if it were not for Mangakid's kind heart and raw talent, this entry would not have been brought to life. A big thank you!

I would also like to say a big thank you for Team Plasma N for creating such an awesome challenge!

Pokemon Fan Art
Dawn, Hikari, Ikemarth, MangaKid, Poke Zodiac, Pokemon, Suicune, Year of the Dog
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Member Dedication
Team Plasma N
Chinese Zodiacs
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