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To all of my wonderful subscribers, friends, and people of the Otaku.

Thank you for 4 awesome years of fun and learning on this site. I’ve learned so much from the community and people here, and my appreciation for all of you is limitless. I learned so much since I joined. How to RP in a variety of ways, how to make wallpapers/cards, how to take my art and transform it and grow. I’ve learned that there are indeed people willing to listen to you, and help you as best as they can, even if they don’t completely understand your problems. I’ve made friends. I’ve lost friends. Yet in all that I’ve never forgotten the wonderful memories, both good and bad. I’ve learned from the bad, so I don’t regret them at all. I honestly believe I’ve grown as a person. Inspiration and kind words have given me confidence, and pointers and criticisms have helped me improve. I’ve tried new things because I’ve been fortunate enough to have people tell me that I “can”. My only wish is that I could do as much as I used to at this site and show you all how much you mean to me by giving you wonderful things ; n ; I hope sometime soon I’ll be able to </3 Forgive me until then?

I love you all, and hope that you will continue to support me and inspire me, and most of all, be my wonderful kind friends <3 I never thought I would have over 500 subbers. I am so honored *bow*

As a gift to you, I give you a blushing, heart-signing Raven. Once in a lifetime thing, I assure you.

Comments/hugs/faves always appreciated, my driving creative force! *brick’d*

Much love to everyone~

Vampire Knight Fan Art
Blush, OC, Pout, Pureblood, Raven, Uniform, Vampire, Vampire Knight
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37 members Favoritefavorite
Blindloverr713 KittyPerson9001 RikuisHOT ken206573 Princess Yue jesse1012 Jessicaanimelover byakuyarox1 NoirAngel LoveKouichi allycat2090 21Emmz12 KingofRavens Bleachic Karmira Mocha chan ItachiSasuke DeathSeraph BabyD NadjaWolf littlepooch animelover7310 SaiKat Zuzu Uchiha EcardBeast12 SuperAnimegirl33 LightFykki InsaneGrellLuver ChaosValentine dyanaanime Hanako Sho yuko9kost
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