MangaKid (Fan Art Portfolio) Talk is Cheap

Talk is Cheap
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Uploading this before heading out for another busy day! >3< and I'm still in bed atm lol

Long time no see, Kaji-kun! xD
The idea to do this drawing came from the 'Talk is Cheap' shirt I saw at a store and also after having a conversation with liveeverysecond and her OC Katara. We are planning to do a fun RP including challenges and things such as a bike race (we somehow have to pull it off!) except right now, I'm too busy to find time to RP, I'm sorry!!

I was going to submit the messy pencil sketch only, but went ahead and coloured it on SAI. I hope you enjoy it! ^_^ (sorry for making Niko look strange... I drew a clown face on her with pencil since I was lazy and then forgot to edit it until after xD and I was too lazy to fix it properly xP)

Thanks to Live-chan for the fun little intro rp with Katara!
I want to specifically dedicate this to Klassic-chan though, since she is an awesome friend and she's a big Kaji fan which makes me really happy and makes him feel more alive!!! I hope you enjoy this!


Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
character, digital, guy, Kaji, manga, MangaKid, niko, OC, original, pencil, SAI, sketch, talk is cheap, traditional
40 votes thumb
33 members Favoritefavorite
GreenHairAlien itemilicious yuko9kost HotRamen2Go009 pandaman08 SeonFeng Ellenor Mererid Ikemarth NoirAngel Gero Chan byakuyarox1 Kaagemusha elricbrothersfan Kazamas-Keyblade liveeverysecond SuperAnimegirl33 hackerblackrose Gummi JanetChan Hanako Sho Artgrrl Narie920 Usagi Ketsueki Star Crossed Rainbow Dragon Lucy77 Zuzu Uchiha Dragoncia ItachiSasuke
Member Dedication
Rainbow Dragon
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