Mazoku Knight (Fan Art Portfolio) Shade of the Witchking

Shade of the Witchking
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So,snicker, while the rest of the world have watched the new hobbit movie and is making fanart of that I'm stuck in the old movies, I believe I haven't been to a movie theater in what, four years or so gah that's lonely

so... can anyone imagine that it's a brave little girl named Eowyn in the front, I showed this while in progress to my older sister that was visiting, and she said she recoqnized them immediately; The Witchking and that long haired guy on the horses.
Before i had the time to put it right she and mom was engulfed in a discussion about the ups, well all of the ups of those movies, while i sank back in my seat glaring at my masculine interpretation of the blonde princess.

It was a while since i colored something digital, and all though that 'undo' button is INCREDIBLE to have, i'm like bored to death at the end of most drawings because for some eerie reason it takes longer for me to color it digital rather than traditional.
Encountered many symmetry problems again, i had hoped I would grow out of that like a pair of old pants. But nohoho.

So witchking did you like this tribute?
WK: I will Break you

Other Movies Fan Art
Angmar, Eowyn, Lordoftherings, Witchking
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yuko9kost Kaerlyn Yoikoshin DeathSeraph Zuzu Uchiha thelostsindar jasperthirty Dragoncia
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