Rainbow Dragon (Fan Art Portfolio) Kairi~ Radiant Princess

Kairi~ Radiant Princess
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I had started this fan art last month. It is a Secret Santa gift for Infinitelove42. I'm your secret santa. I do apologize for this artwork being late. I was going through an art block and also I was busy with school and life. I know you liked Kingdom Hearts so I decided to make a KH fan art for you. I originally was going to draw Sora but I decided that Kairi would be easier to draw and I liked her and wanted to draw her. I haven't drawn her very much.
I finally got this artwork colored today. It is a simple background mainly because I didn't want to detract any attention away from Kairi. I liked her in her Valor Form(not in the "official KH Games" but I wish it was) The keyblades originally featured were Oathkeeper and Oblivion but Oblivion was at an odd angle so I drew the Kingdom Key instead. I hope it looks ok. I did my best on this artwork. I hope you like it,Infinitelove42. Again I apologize for this artwork being late. I'm your Secret Santa.
Also added a gradient to enhance the colors. Colored with colored pencils.
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Kingdom Hearts Fan Art
2013, dead fantasy, kairi, keyblades, kingdom hearts, kingdom key, oathkeeper, secret santa, valor form
10 votes thumb
11 members Favoritefavorite
infinatelove42 MangaKid RoxasLawliet Hanako Sho 21Emmz12 Zuzu Uchiha SweeTea Kaerlyn Soulanime14
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